Ovarian or ovarian cancer is no longer an abnormal or rare disease. We often see or hear many women around us suffering from this disease. But what are the factors behind it or what are the initial symptoms, how much do we know about it? The ovaries regulate the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are essential for the body, in addition to producing the eggs needed for childbearing. Girls have two ovaries on either side of the uterus. Any illness in the ovaries can put your life at risk. The most harmful of these is ovarian cancer. Today's article is to share some information about ovarian cancer known as 'Silent Killer'. Then find out about the symptoms and remedies for ovarian cancer!

As much as talking about ovarian or ovarian cancer

Learn about and be aware of ovarian or ovarian cancer

Stage of ovarian or ovarian cancer

1) Stage 1- Spreading cancer in one or both ovaries

2) Stage 2- Spreading from ovary to lower abdomen

3) Stage 3 - Spread all over the abdomen

4) Stage 4 - Spread throughout the body

Symptoms of ovarian cancer

This cancer infects the ovaries and is not understood until it has spread to the pelvic zone and abdomen. The early symptoms of ovarian cancer can be very subtle. In most cases the early stages are painless. And it takes a long time to reveal, identify and diagnose the symptoms of the disease. Take a look at the early symptoms of ovarian cancer.

1) Anorexia

When ovarian cancer occurs, the digestive system is damaged. This disrupts the process of energy production by digesting food. The result is anorexia and the stomach always feels full. One of the symptoms of ovarian cancer is a sudden loss of appetite. However, the feeling of fullness can be not only for ovarian cancer or tumors, but also for digestive problems.

2) Lower back pain

Many women with ovarian cancer experience lower back pain similar to labor pains. If there is pain in the lower back for a long time without any reason, it may be a sign of ovarian cancer.

3) One of the symptoms of ovarian cancer is period problems

Vaginal bleeding in addition to menstruation is not a good sign. Or menstrual problems with irregular bleeding, abnormal menstruation, can be one of the early symptoms of ovarian cancer. However, many times there may be irregular periods for cysts.

4) Constipation or diarrhea

Eating habits are fine but still sometimes there is constipation and sometimes there is diarrhea. These problems can be caused by swelling of the ovarian tumor and pressure on the stomach, intestines, bladder or bladder. So if this happens for a long time, don't forget to go to the doctor.

Sudden weight loss, frequent urination, frequent pain in the pelvic area, discoloration of the skin around the vagina or rash, or frequent white discharge, severe abdominal pain over a long period of time are also symptoms of ovarian or ovarian cancer. So seek medical help without delay in case of physical illness.

Find out the risk factors for ovarian cancer

People who have problems with low menstrual cycle, non-menstruation, oral contraceptives, multiple pregnancies and early pregnancy are more likely to get the disease. Ovarian tumors can occur due to the use of several medicines. People who have to take hormonal treatment for reproductive disabilities are at risk for ovarian cancer. Excess body weight before menopause can increase the risk of cancer. There is also evidence that there is a genetic link with cancer. For this reason, if someone in the family has cancer, the risk of others getting cancer is greatly increased.

Identification method

In most cases, the cancer is detected too late, spreading to the stomach and intestines. However, if caught early and treated properly, the chances of surviving for the next 5 years are 90 percent.

Different methods are used to check whether the patient has ovarian cancer. E.g.

1) Blood test

2) Ultrasound scanning

3) Laparoscopy

4) Serum tumor marker test

5) Immunological test

Treatment and cure of ovarian cancer

If identified at an early stage, the treatment is more likely to be successful. Treatment should be taken if infected with this disease. The oncologist can tell you how effective chemotherapy or radiation is. However, those who have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer may make a bigger decision, which is to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Many in Europe and America are making this decision because it is an effective way to prevent ovarian cancer. Studies have shown that women who breastfeed are less likely to develop ovarian cancer.

So, you know about ovarian cancer. Live a healthy life with moderate sleep, a balanced diet, physical activity and a little self-awareness. Medical science has come a long way, many people are living a healthier life than before by fighting this disease. So it is important to take the right treatment without being emotionally broken if you have ovarian cancer.

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