With a child, a Mao is born who understands nothing, but taking care of the child is extremely important. So, if you are a new mother and are concerned about how to take care of your newborn baby, we can help you with baby care advice. Here's an easy way to make your life easier.
The arrival of your baby has been marked as a special joy in your life and it opens up a whole new world for you. However, caring for a newborn at some point can be a bit overwhelming, especially for first-time mothers. But don't worry, follow our baby care tips to get started smoothly in the early stages and then become a professional in parenting. Here's what you need to do:

Ensure self-health:

Always make sure you wash or sanitize your hands and wear fresh clean clothes before choosing to avoid infections and other induced allergies to your baby.

Hold your baby right:

When you hold your baby, his head should be curled up with your hands supporting your newborn's spine. To feed your other hand, slap the baby on the cheek, or place it on the chest or gently pat.

Do not shake your baby too hard:

Did you know that shaking your baby can also cause a brain injury? Whether you’re trying to keep him asleep or just comforting him, shaking him won’t help you achieve your goal. Instead just rock him gently from side to side and sing a lullaby.

Don't be rude:

Remember your newborn is not ready for tough play. Throwing in the air, shaking the baby on the knees is not right.

Skin-to-skin contact:

Be aware that your baby needs to sink with the experience of being transferred from your womb to the earth. Making it easier can give her adequate skin-to-skin contact, which will help her feel your warmth and stay close to her mother’s heart. She only heard your heartbeat during your pregnancy, so holding your baby close to your heart while making adequate skin-to-skin contact can make her feel more secure and relax her sensations. Even parents can do the same during kangaroo care practice.

Talk to your child often:

There are many hidden benefits to talking to your newborn. One of them is that it helps in the development of the baby's brain and helps your baby to pick up words faster. Want to know more, it helps to establish a better relationship with your child. This simple task can also help you fight baby blues.

Check diapers:

Do this often. Check diapers every four hours or so. A healthy newborn urinates very frequently. Putting your baby in a dirty diaper can cause the diaper to crack.

Feeding on demand:

There are only two things your baby needs in the first days - proper feed and adequate sleep. Now sleep will be complicated because even if your newborn is supposed to get 18 to 20 hours of sleep a day, he probably doesn’t get all the sleep he needs. Your baby will probably call for a feed every two hours or less. Ready to give a feed according to demand. If you prefer to breastfeed your baby, hold your baby right and make sure there is enough area inside his mouth to avoid air intake.
Put boiled water in a thermos and prepare a fresh meal every time you need to give it to him. Leave any amount remaining. If your child avoids any food and sleeps for more than five hours, wake him up to provide a meal. However, avoid forced feeding. If your child refuses any feed, play, curl up and sing lullabies and try again later.

Regularly disinfect bottle and breast pump:

Wash and disinfect feeding bottles at least twice a day. Be sure to do the same with the parts of your breast pump that can be disinfected. Don't forget the tits. If possible, rinse well before each feed. Learn how to use a breast pump to ensure the benefits of breastfeeding while you are away from your baby.

Ensure proper naval cord care:

A portion of your newborn's navel will remain attached to it for at least 10 days or up to three weeks after birth. This is a sensitive area for your baby and it is important to take care of it. Apply medicated powder prescribed by your doctor to keep the area dry and help in quick healing. Wear your baby's clothes to avoid any pressure in your area. Once dry and fall, continue your care routine until the area is completely healed.

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