Being overweight is just as much a problem as having a sick or broken health. The appearance of a sick or "underweight" person naturally loses its natural beauty. If you are tired of trying your best to gain weight and get a well-formed body, then these tips will come in handy.

Where in the world is the smoke of getting thinner, the tips to get fat in the middle of it? Surely you are very surprised? Even if you are surprised, many will not. Rather, these weight gain tips will bring him a sigh of relief. Being overweight is just as much a problem as having a sick or broken health. 

Slim or slim does not mean beauty, but beauty lies in being in the middle of the ideal weight according to one's body shape. If your weight is 5 to 10 kg more than the ideal weight, then you must understand that you are a sick person. The appearance of a sick or "underweight" person naturally loses its natural beauty. The pressure is broken, the ink falls on the corners of the eyes, there is no enthusiasm for work or you feel very tired all the time. The lean human body is not formed properly, or does not adapt properly with age. As a result, they suffer from inferiority complex. But in most cases it is seen that you cannot gain weight without trying.

 Many may start eating too much, but the benefits are not so great. Rather, unhealthy eating can lead to poor health. Not only if you are fat, you have to have a well-formed body. Isn't it? But what to do then? If you are tired of trying your best to gain weight and get a well-formed body, then these tips will come in handy. Try to follow the rules, you will soon see the change in yourself.
Nuts and raisins in the morning-

There is no substitute for nuts and raisins for weight gain. Soak half a cup of wood nuts and raisins in a little water while sleeping at night. When they swell in the morning, eat them. Start the morning with nuts and raisins. It is also a very good food for children.

Increase the amount of food-

Increasing the amount of food does not mean eating hapus hapus. And that is not possible. If you are lean due to eating less, then you have to increase the amount of food. Eat 1 to 4 percent of what you normally eat every day.

Quit eating frequently-
Many people think that playing repeatedly will increase their weight. This is not correct at all. Instead, eat according to the rules. Eating on a full stomach reduces the rate of metabolism, as a result of which a lot of calories from food will accumulate in the body due to excess weight. Eating little by little increases metabolism, resulting in weight loss.
Put food on the food list Deep-fried food-

Deep-fried foods are high in fat. As a result, it helps to gain weight. But keep up with plenty of fresh vegetable salad

Get in the gym -

Eyebrows furrowed? Wondering why people go to the gym to lose weight and gain weight? But the fact is, it doesn't have to be fat. You have to build a well-organized body. You go to the gym to build muscle, and if men want to gain weight, going to this gym is actually very fruitful. Muscle weight is much more than fat, moreover, exercise will make you hungry and you will be able to eat to your heart's content. However, you must exercise according to the instructions of an experienced trainer. Otherwise, there is a risk of the opposite.

Eat “sitting” rice-

"Sitting" means rice that does not contain starch. Much of the rice starch is left with the starch. If you want to gain weight, it is better not to use this starch. This will be of great benefit to gain weight. Atap rice or polao rice sitting rice will be fun to eat.

Milk and honey just before bed-

A surefire way to lose weight. Before going to bed at night, you must eat something quite nutritious. And if you are hungry, you will eat with ease. And sleep immediately. As a result, the calories of food will not be consumed in time, it will accumulate in the body as extra weight. Before going to bed, drink a glass of condensed milk mixed with a lot of honey every day.

Reduce metabolism rate-

Just as slow metabolism is responsible for obesity, so is high metabolism rate for ill health. So if you want to get fat, you have to reduce this metabolism rate first. The food you eat, it will have the opportunity to accumulate in your body in the form of excess weight. Rest for a long time after every meal to keep the metabolism rate low. Do not do any work for at least 1 hour after meals.

Add some special foods to the food list-

In addition to your regular meals, you must add some high calorie foods to your diet, otherwise why gain weight? If you do not have a problem with high blood pressure, you can eat these foods effortlessly. Such as- ghee / butter, eggs, cheese / cheese, soft drinks, beef, fried potatoes, sweet foods, chocolate, mayonnaise etc.

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits-

You think these are eaten to lose weight, right? These fruits and vegetables will also help you gain weight. There are many fruits and vegetables that are high in calories. Such as- mango, jackfruit, litchi, banana, ripe papaya, sweet pumpkin, sweet potato, raw banana etc. Eating fruits and vegetables will improve your health and increase your weight. If you do not gain weight without doing these things, then you must consult a good doctor. Because even if there is a latent disease, it can lead to sick and broken health.

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