There are so many people in our world who are worried about their weight. Not with their excess weight but with their slim appearance. Their slender looks made them laugh at many. It is often seen that they are not able to gain weight even after eating fatty foods.


Being overweight is not good for our health, just as being underweight is not good. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. If you want to gain weight you need to change the amount of your daily diet along with the list of foods as well as you need to do yoga exercises. With a little effort you can increase your weight according to your height.

In today's article we will list the foods that you need to eat to gain weight.

Everything you need to eat to gain weight

Exercise along with a healthy diet is essential for weight gain. Add nutrition to your diet if you want to gain weight. You can also create a diet chart by talking to a doctor and follow it. However, it is very important to add calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates to the weight gain diet chart.

    Protein shakes and protein rich foods are beneficial for weight gain. You need to include protein foods in your diet 3-4 days a week. Weight gain foods include protein, eggs, meat, milk, lemons, nuts, red meat, peas, avocados, etc.

    Milk is a very good drink for weight gain. If you like to drink milk, mix honey with milk and drink it regularly before going to bed. It will help you to gain weight in a few days. If you drink Chavanpras with a glass of milk every day, it will strengthen your bones and increase your weight.

    You can eat oily and nutritious food to gain weight. For this you need cheese, ghee, oil, cheese, butter. If you want, you can add ghee and butter to your soup. You should also eat grains, wheat, flour and flour to maintain your weight to stay fit.

    You should eat wheat-biscuits, oatmeal, brown rice etc. Dry fruits play an important role in weight gain. You can eat nuts, watermelon, walnuts, raisins, chocolate, etc. among the dried fruits. You also need to eat more rice and pulses.

    Eating green vegetables in weight gain foods is extremely beneficial. It will also keep your health good and you will be able to gain weight without exertion.

    It is possible to gain weight easily by eating fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, watermelon etc. regularly. Sweets are very beneficial for weight gain. Things made from sweets, powders, puddings, custards, honey can be eaten to gain weight.

Putting these foods on your food list will help you gain weight very quickly.


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