Sleep and eating habits are intertwined. We need to know which foods can disturb our sleep and which foods can help us sleep at the right time. Why do you need good sleep? Because no matter how much we don't take care of our skin, if we do irregular sleep, it is not possible to make our face look fresh. It is difficult to retain beauty without wellness. Now we don't know which foods are good for our sleep and which are not.

1) Food with tryptophan

Milk and various foods made from milk contain tryptophan which is helpful for sleep. Especially hot milk. Also nuts, eggs, bananas, honey also contain this ingredient which will help reduce your sleep problems.

 2) Carbohydrates or sugary foods
The right combination of different foods made of milk with sugary foods can bring you a comfortable sleep. However, it must be eaten lightly and in small quantities. For example, a small loaf of bread with a little milk and yogurt, two crispy biscuits with a little cheese.

3) Eat very little light before going to bed

If you suffer from insomnia, a very light meal before going to bed may be helpful for your sleep. Never eat too much before going to bed. Eating too much food just before going to bed can weaken your digestive system. Moreover, you will feel a kind of discomfort which will in turn take your sleep far away from you.

4) Avoid high fat foods

Studies have shown that people who eat high fat and fast food often not only gain weight but also sleep problems due to weight gain.

Their sleep cycle changes. Therefore, make it a habit to eat healthy foods by eliminating foods like burgers and french fries from the food list.

5) Beware of caffeine

Many of us wake up in the morning and drink coffee, which refreshes our body and mind. But a cup of coffee in the evening or at night may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. It can even cause you to fall asleep late. Caffeine that has less caffeine than coffee - chocolate, tea, decaffeinated coffee. If you want to sleep well at the right time, avoid caffeine 4 to 6 hours before the time you want to sleep. For a good night's sleep, beware of caffeine such as coffee.

6) Be careful while taking different medicines

Many drugs contain caffeine. For example, painkillers and weight loss drugs, diuretics (increase the flow of urine). Many of these drugs contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee. Although it is not advisable to take any medicine without a doctor's advice, if you have to buy medicine without a doctor's advice due to any situation, read the medicine label and find out if it contains any ingredients that will disturb your sleep.

6) Stay away from alcohol

Many people may say that they fall asleep very early due to alcohol at night or in the evening. But keep in mind that even if you fall asleep early, that sleep will not be comfortable. After a while you may wake up, have strange dreams, have severe headaches. Stay away from alcohol for a good night's sleep.

6) Do not eat anything with a lot of spices

Just before going to bed, eat a full stomach, eat a lot of spicy foods - this type of habit is harmful to the body and will disturb your sleep.

If you go to sleep, you will feel a kind of discomfort that will not let you sleep. There may be heartburn.

9) Do not eat anything protein before going to bed

Protein is an essential part of our daily diet. But you have to understand the time. The rules for the night are a little different. Protein foods take a while to digest so some of the protein-rich foods that are high in protein can be eaten before going to bed at night. For example- one glass of light hot milk or 2/3 biscuits with thin crumbs.

10) Drink water at the right time for good sleep

Every organ of our body functions properly and the need for water for skin care is immense. We need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. But you need to wake up a few times to drink plenty of water before going to bed at night. So drink plenty of water throughout the day and in the evening and reduce the amount before going to bed. Then you can sleep all night without any trouble.

11) Avoid smoking for better sleep

Don't forget that the effects of Nicotine and Caffeine are almost the same. So do not smoke when it is time to sleep. Don't smoke even when you wake up late at night.

So if you want a good night's sleep, follow the right rules and try to eat foods that will help you sleep.

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