Back pain is a common problem. Many people suffer from this problem, despite many attempts and treatment can not control. In addition to treatment, exercise is just as important as caution. Here are some very important tips for low back pain.


What do you want to do to avoid back pain?

What is the remedy for low back pain?

1) Avoid lifting anything heavy on the neck. Keep the heavy object close to the body if absolutely necessary; Try not to put pressure on the waist.

2) Do not sit or stand anywhere for more than thirty minutes continuously. Have you seen standing in a row that hurts the waist? So if you need to stand somewhere continuously, take the weight of the body from one leg to the other after a while. If necessary, sit down and rest.

3) Do not lean forward without breaking the knee. Women should avoid high heels when walking for a long time.

4) If you need to lift something from the ground or from below, bend your knees and then lift.

5) If you sit somewhere, sit up straight, refrain from sitting leaning. This will increase your smartness and increase confidence. As well as it can get rid of back pain. Suitable for seating chairs with support at the back of the waist. When sitting, sit with your knees and thighs parallel to the ground.

6) Do you lie on your back in bed? Don't sleep like this. And foam or soft spring mattress beds are not good for the body and waist. Thin mattress is better if equal.

6) Do regular physical work. Exercise if you do not have the opportunity for physical labor. Take advantage of the opportunity to walk. So that the weight does not increase which will not only reduce the problem of back pain but also increase it!

Increasing body weight increases waist pain or

6) Control weight according to age and height. Eat nutritious food and water. Because if the weight is not under control, there will be pressure on the waist and the problem of back pain will increase.

9) When doing various tasks, we have to work inclined, such as cooking, cutting, washing clothes, spice paste, sweeping or pressing. Do you know that these habits cause back pain? If you do not know, then know these habits cause back pain! So in these cases keep the spine normal and the waist straight.

10. Have those who have been suffering from back pain for a long time thought about getting out of bed? Be careful when getting out of bed. This is because the waist may suddenly tighten while getting out of bed.

Low back pain is quite uncomfortable and chronic. There is no substitute for caution to stay healthy in life. So enjoy wellness by leading a careful and controlled life.

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