The role of vegetables in keeping the body fit is immense. Studies have shown that eating eight or nine types of vegetables every day increases the body's resistance to disease many times over. Let's not know which of the various vegetables is more beneficial for our body.



Tomato: Tomato is a wonderful vegetable and can be eaten as a fruit. Tomatoes contain lycopene and red orbs which are effective in preventing cancer. It also contains vitamins A and k which help in controlling blood pressure.

Broccoli: If it is said which vegetable is most effective in preventing diseases, then the name of broccoli will come first. It is called the store house of antioxidants. Broccoli is very useful in preventing cancer of the rectum, lungs and stomach. Although a little miserable, broccoli should be kept on the food list from time to time.

Cabbage: Cabbage is very beneficial for pregnant mothers because it contains vitamin B and folic acid which helps prevent uteral tube defects. Also contains omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, fiber, vitamins C and K.

: There is no comparison of carrots for eyes, hair and skin. Carrots are a source of pro-vitamin and carotene which helps in preventing night blindness. Carrots also contain vitamins C and A which control the amount of sugar in the blood.

Asparagus: Very useful for pregnant mothers. It contains fiber, folate, vitamin B-6 and also high levels of potassium and low levels of sodium which are very beneficial for the body. Asparagus is also an effective vegetable in protecting the colon.

Sweet Potato: Sweet potato grown under soil has many immunity. It contains manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C which is very good for the digestive system. There is also iron and fiber which provides a lot of energy to the body.

Eggplant: Although the name is eggplant, eggplant has many qualities. It contains a rare antioxidant nasunin (a complex compound) that protects our brain cells. Many studies have shown that regular consumption of eggplant reduces the risk of diseases such as stroke, dementia (forgetfulness). It also has low calorie content which is good for heart.

Capsicum: Capsicum of red, green and yellow color is beneficial for the heart. It contains folic acid and lucopene which are effective in preventing cancer.

Punishak: The famous cartoon "Popeye the Sailor" saw that playing Punishak would increase the power of papaya. In fact, Punisha has a lot of power. Also contains flavonoids that protect against cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.

Onion: Regular consumption of onion increases immunity. Onions contain a peptide called gpcs which keeps the body's calcium levels just right.

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