You don't need a certain age to keep yourself fit, but you can't lose weight as much as you used to, at the age of 30 or over 30. The body becomes increasingly heavy. After 20 years, our metabolism rate decreases by 1-2% every 10 years, as a result of which the digestive power of food also decreases. The amount of fat in the body also increases. At this time, it is important to eat as well as exercise to keep the body fit. You can stay perfectly fit even at the age of 40 if you follow the rules. Most people find exercise an added hassle.



 But in fact exercise is a matter of habit. Bathing, eating, skin care is just as easy. And if you think about fitness routine like ten tasks and life, then it will not seem that you are exercising separately.

Don't start with small changes. What's the harm in not always sitting and walking a little? Don't sit still in the office and walk here and there realizing the opportunity. When sitting or walking, when standing, always stay straight. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. This small change will be the first step in keeping you healthy and fit.

How to control body fat
Here are some tips that will help you stay fit.

1) For those whose main goal is to lose excess weight - there is no alternative to walking. Walking 40 minutes every day will burn your calories faster. However, keep in mind that there will be no benefit in walking and playing excessively again.

2) For those who like to be active or play sports, cycling is a very good exercise. Remember that cycling for 15 minutes every day is a very good exercise for the body. You can also swim if you have the opportunity.

3) You can go to the gym on holidays and try the treadmill and rowing machine. Since each is a very high intensity exercise, calories are burned faster.

4) Resistance exercise is also a good option. Stand up straight with your legs apart and place a chair in front of you. Try to sit gently on the chair, but not half sitting up completely and get up again. Make sure there is enough space between the two legs while sitting.

In addition, yoga, meditation and aerobics can help you maintain your body's fitness.


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