High blood pressure is also known as hypertension or hypertension. This condition is caused when there is too much blood pressure in the arteries. Hypertension is when a person's blood pressure reading is 140/90 mm Hg or more. It is also called the silent killer. Because if it is not treated at the right time, then heart attack, stroke and even kidney failure can occur but no significant symptoms can be seen.

Symptoms of high blood pressure

There is currently no home without a hypertension patient. The pressure may increase. Not everyone has the same symptoms, but there are some common symptoms:

1) Severe headache

2) Neck pain

3) nausea; Even vomiting.

4) may bleed through the nose.

Although doctors recommend different medications for different people, you can control high blood pressure with some very simple natural ingredients. These components are known as kitchen ingredients, because these are the components we get in our kitchen cabinets.

 causes of high blood pressure or hypertension

1) Eat more than 8 grams of salt per day.

2) Consumption of alcohol.

3) Having a lot of caffeinated food / drink in the daily food list.

4) Do not develop regular exercise habits.

5) Stress

6) Obesity, as the heart needs to pump more and more blood for extra tissue.

6) Hereditary, many people suffer from high blood pressure.

Let's know how to use any ingredient to deal with hypertension-

Ways to deal with high blood pressure

1) Banana

Banana is a fruit that patients with high blood pressure can eat every day to control their blood pressure. The potassium in bananas helps in controlling the pressure. At the same time, the amount of sodium in bananas is low and cholesterol free. Readers of hypertension, you can eat a banana every day.

2) Garlic

A 2010 study in Australia found that garlic acts as a medicine for patients with high blood pressure, as it naturally lowers cholesterol and lowers blood pressure. Chewed garlic produces hydrogen sulfide, which keeps blood flow in order, removes gas and lowers pressure on the heart. One clove of garlic cooked or raw every day is enough for you.

3) Raw nuts
Raw nuts mean that the nuts are not folded in the sand. 4-5 raw nuts a day will keep you hundreds of hands away from pressure. Raw nuts contain mono-saturated fat. This fat has been shown to lower blood cholesterol as well as reduce arterial inflammation. As a result, you have lower blood pressure levels.

4) Coconut water

Coconut water contains potassium, electrolytes and other nutrients. A recent study published in the West Indian Medical Journal found that 71% of those who took part in the study had a systolic pressure drop, and 29 had a lower diastolic pressure due to regular drinking of coconut water.

5) Yellow

Many people may not know another name for curcumin. One of its many benefits is that it eliminates inflammation throughout the body. High cholesterol and even high blood pressure are blamed as the primary cause of inflammation. Yellow relaxes blood vessels. It is also a blood thinner, which is another powerful herb to fight hypertension.

6) Dark chocolate


Eat small amounts of dark chocolate every day and stay away from high blood pressure. Another good news is that there is no fear of getting fat by playing dark chocolate. This chocolate contains cocoa and the polyphenols in cocoa help reduce blood pressure. However, keep in mind that the amount is very low.

6) Kalojira

Calendula oil contains certain ingredients that have been shown to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Eat one teaspoon of black cumin oil every day. If you feel bad eating this oil, you can mix it with juice or tea.

6) Lemon juice

Make it a habit to drink lemon juice regularly to control hypertension. Lemon softens blood vessels and relieves their rigidity. As a result, high blood pressure is reduced. In addition, the vitamin B in lemons reduces the chances of heart failure. People with high blood pressure should drink lemon water several times a day.

9) Onion juice

Eat a medium size raw onion every day. It acts as a tonic for the nervous system. It cleans the blood, maintains heart function and lowers blood pressure by lowering cholesterol.

10) Herbal medicine

1) Mix 100 gms of watermelon seeds with 100 gms of poppy seeds and keep in a container. Eat one teaspoon with water every morning and evening. You will see that you are getting a lot of relief.

2) Boil 20-30 curry leaves in 1 cup of water. Eat every morning with a sieve. If you want you can mix lemon juice with it. You can also use coriander leaves or fenugreek leaves in the same way.

3) Mix one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of coriander powder with one teaspoon of ginger juice and eat it twice daily.

4) Mix 4-5 drops of garlic juice with four teaspoons of water to make a solution and drink it twice a day.

5) Eat half a teaspoon of honey and onion juice twice a day. In this way you can see a lot of improvement in health after playing for 1-2 weeks.

6) Cinnamon is a favorite spice for almost everyone. Take 3 pieces of cinnamon stick powder and then boil this powder in 1 cup of water. Mix honey with it and drink it like tea every day.

                                     1 drink recipe to reduce high blood pressure

I will end the article by giving the recipe of a drink. This smoothie will lower your blood pressure in 8 hours. Beets contain dietary nitrate, which your body converts into a gas, and your blood vessels dilate and help blood flow. Since these drinks are made with all kinds of pressure reducing ingredients together, they work together on your body and you can get relief in a few moments. However, as a precaution, diabetic patients should be taken seriously. Although it does not contain any direct sugar, there are some sugars in the ingredients and there are no restricted rules for eating on an empty or full stomach.

1/2 boiled beet root, 1 1/2 pieces of cold pineapple, 1/2 cup orange juice, 1 cup cold milk, 4-5 nuts, 1/4 celery (if at hand).

Blend it all together and drink cold. Your blood pressure will start to decrease within a few minutes of drinking it.

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