The need for vitamin D to keep the bones of our body good is immense. According to experts, in the absence of vitamin D, the bones of the body of children do not grow properly and bone structure is deformed. Vitamin Fats are soluble and can absorb calcium from the intestines and also dissolve iron, magnesium and phosphorus. And that's why nutritionists are pushing for vitamin D-rich foods on their daily diet.

However, we can get as much vitamin D as we need in our daily diet just by standing in the sun for a while. Milk is also one of the sources of vitamin D. However, not getting enough sun in the body can lead to vitamin D deficiency. And in winter it is not possible to put sun on the body even if you want to. And so to meet the deficiency of vitamin D we need to eat foods rich in vitamin D. So let's take a look at what foods are rich in vitamin D:

Foods rich in vitamin D.

Oily and fatty fish Salmon fish Salmon fish

Oily and fatty fish can be an excellent source of vitamin D in the daily diet. Such as tuna fish, sword fish, sardine fish, salmon fish, pangas fish etc. One piece of these oily and fatty fish can provide 50% to 116% of the daily requirement of vitamin D. In addition, 13.7 grams or 14.6 ml. Cod liver oil contains about 340% of the daily vitamin D requirement.

Egg yolk

Egg yolks can also be a source of vitamin D. Two chicken eggs can contain up to 15% of the amount of vitamin D an adult needs each day. However, those who have high blood pressure and cholesterol problems should be careful about eating egg yolks.

Fortified foods Fortified foodsFertified foods

Several fortified food manufacturers on the market today add other nutrients, including vitamin D and calcium, to their fortified foods. Which can be one of the best sources of daily vitamin D. Vitamin D and other nutritious foods include:

    Cow's milk
    Orange juice

Cheese Ricotta Cheese Ricotta cheese

Who doesn't love to eat cheese? The use of cheese in sandwiches, burgers, pizzas, etc. can be noticed. And this cheese can be another source to meet the daily vitamin D needs. Ricotta cheese has the highest amount of vitamin D in cheese.

Beef and liver and mutton also contain small amounts of vitamin D. However, these meats should not be eaten in excess.


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