If you are planning to start a family, you must have subscribed to several of these pregnancy or parenting magazines and have searched the internet to gather all the information about pregnancy. You are now new to this world. Engage in serious thinking to bring a life, and this time your body for it Preparation is also very important. Both men and women need to get the necessary vitamins to have a baby. Vitamins are an important part of our nutrition and they play an essential role in various functions of the body, especially reproductive function. If you are trying to conceive. , You may want to consider taking some vitamins.
11 vitamins and minerals to aid reproduction

Just as you need to prepare your body for pregnancy and child rearing, you also need to be emotionally and mentally prepared for childbearing. Both men and women need to take plenty of vitamins and minerals to prepare for childbearing. Here are some vitamins and nutrients that couples can start taking to conceive. However, it is advisable to study these supplements carefully and be aware of their benefits and side effects in order to make a wise decision.


List of vitamins and minerals that can help reproduce

Vitamins and minerals are essential organic compounds for the smooth functioning of the human body. An ideal diet should include all kinds of essential nutrients in small amounts as they cannot be synthesized in excess by the body. If they do not enter your body through the normal foods you eat. But in that case, take extra from outside Increasingly fortified or refined foods and supplements can help. There are many things you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant, but including these vitamins and minerals in your diet is the easiest solution.


1. Folic acid

This is a must have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program. Folic acid, also known as B9, has a special role to play in pregnancy or is a 'superhero' in this regard. A woman must take 400 mcg of folic acid daily during the reproductive age and when trying to conceive. This is a B -Complex vitamins that help in the formation of red blood cells in the body. It is one of the most important fertility of women. It is an important vitamin and it reduces the chances of neural tube defects (a problem in the baby's spine). Men can also take this vitamin because it helps them produce healthy sperm. Folic acid is available in natural form as well as synthetic vitamin form. If you do, you have citrus fruits, whole grains, lemons Buzz vegetables can be taken because they are all very good sources of folic acid. In the case of couples trying to conceive, a woman must start eating foods rich in folic acid at least one or two months before conception.


2. Vitamin D.

Vitamin D and reproduction are closely related to each other. With normal intake of vitamin D, women are more likely to conceive naturally. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important for reproductive hormones. , Tuna, cod liver oil, etc. with your partner in the morning A short morning walk can help your body absorb sunlight, which is a very good source of vitamin D.


3. Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral in improving the fertility of both men and women. Zinc improves women's reproductive health but is equally important for men. Zinc also helps improve sperm quality and activity. The recommended daily dose of zinc for men is 11 mg and for women. Oysters are rich in high levels of zinc, but couples are adequate again You can also take whole grains or whole grains, legumes, peas, crabs and lobster to get zinc.


5. Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is also essential for increasing female fertility. It also improves the quality of their sperm in men. It is also important in protecting the integration of ovum and sperm DNA after fertilization. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals. These free radicals can damage the cells in the body and consequently (In whose case is it male or female?) In men, low levels of vitamin E can damage their testicles, which in turn affects their sperm production. If women are deficient in vitamin E, It interferes with ovulation and has an impact on their ability to conceive. You can increase your body's vitamin E levels by including a variety of seeds such as sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. You can also eat almonds, hazelnuts and almond butter or peanut butter. Even fruits like kiwi and mango are rich in vitamin E so you can take them easily to increase the level of iron in your body. Both men and women can take these foods to meet their vitamin E needs. However, unless your doctor advises or Vitamin E supplements are not recommended without his advice.


6. Vitamin B

All B group vitamins are essential for reproduction. These include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), and cyanocobalamin (B12). All B group vitamins are important for pregnancy, especially in women Helps the ovaries to release eggs. Vitamin B6 is the mother's progesterone in a woman's body. It helps maintain the balance of the uterus and also improves the luteal phase, which ensures the time between menstruation and ovulation which is an integral part of a successful pregnancy. All essential vitamins are lentils, whole grains, greens, tuna, bananas, Found in oysters, caviar (marine fish eggs), cauliflower, mustard greens, yogurt and eggs.


7. Beta carotene

The human body converts beta carotene to vitamin A (retinol), which is great for skin and hair. It is also important for healthy eyesight, mucous membranes and immunity. In the case of pregnancy, it is a hormonal regulator and helps prevent miscarriage. Carrots, lentils, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, butternut squash and broccoli are rich in beta carotene.


8. Omega 3 fatty acids

The ultimate superfood for reproduction and pregnancy, omega 3 fatty acids are essential in the ultimate level. They help to release eggs in the female body, increase blood flow to the uterus, and maintain hormonal balance. Although not all vitamins contain omega 3 fatty acids, some do Omega-3 rich foods include chia seeds, flax seeds, anchovies (small herring that are flavored and made into chutney), herring (a type of small marine fish), Walnut, cod liver oil, sesame seed oil, sardines, etc. If you do not like the taste of fish, you can also take its supplements in tablet form. According to your doctor's advice. Omega 3 contains two very important acids, one is DHA and the other is EPA. There are tendencies to become.


9. Selenium

It is an antioxidant that is important to help protect eggs and sperm from cell-destroying free radicals. Normal levels of selenium improve sperm motility in men and estrogen metabolism in women. Found in fish.


10. Coenzyme Q10

Taking this supplement helps to improve their fertility in both men and women. It is another compound like fat-soluble vitamins that occurs naturally in the human body. It must be taken with food if it is not produced naturally in the body. It is a very important ingredient. It is the source of male sperm As a daily dose of 30-200 mg is known to increase the frequency and divide it among the rest of the day It is advised to accept, fatty fish, found in whole grains.


11. L-carnitine

It is an absolute source of energy for sperm and sperm fullness, it is also a very important ingredient for increasing sperm activity. It is a compound like amino acids whose main function is to generate energy. It is found in high levels in milk and dairy products.


Frequently Asked Questions



1. Can you take reproductive supplements to help with pregnancy?

Of course yes, fertility supplements can be taken to help with pregnancy but only after consulting your doctor.


2. What are the best reproductive supplements for men?

Although the zinc mineral works best to improve sperm activity in men, they can also take L-carnitine and L-arginine again to increase their sperm count and activity.

If you are trying to conceive, taking the vitamins and minerals mentioned above will help you get started. You can also take these supplements again, but be sure to consult your gynecologist before starting to take any of these vitamins and minerals. Also discuss the dosage and safety of these with your doctor!

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