Planning for a baby? - Find out the best age to get pregnant

Find out what is the best age to get pregnant

People get children at different stages of their lives, and that means at different ages. So, is there something called 'perfect age for childbirth'? The fact is that there are advantages and disadvantages to having a baby at any age. Also, the financial situation, the society in which you live and the career prospects of the parents also play a role in choosing the right time to start a family. Getting in-depth information about all of these factors will help you determine the best age to become pregnant.


What is the best age for pregnancy?

The answer to this question will vary depending on the person asking the question. The definition of "best" will vary according to the situation. But overall statistics and most of the research have shown that the ideal age to get pregnant is between 20 and 35 years. However, the best time to conceive is different from the age at which a child is considered the best to grow up, which is in the mid-30s.


Does age have any effect?

20-35 years of age is considered to be the right age to give birth to a child, as women of this age are physically ready to conceive. They are less at risk for pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia, ectopic pregnancies, and for some, stillbirths. This is when the eggs are healthy. This is a fertile time, so the perfect window for those who want more than one baby, because they have enough time to make room in the middle of an adequate pregnancy.


Pregnancy at different ages

For some, 20-25 years may seem like the perfect time to give birth, while others may not think of having children before the age of 30. Here is information about the chances of pregnancy and disasters at different ages.


1) Pregnancy at the age of 20-25 years

This is the age when women are at the peak of their fertility and have the best chance of pregnancy. At this stage of life, your high quality eggs will be available and you are more likely to have a low risk pregnancy and a healthy baby during this time.

 You are less likely to have a chronic medical condition at this stage and you will have enough permanent strength to go through your pregnancy. The chances of miscarriage are minimal at this time, and babies often do not face chromosomal problems.

    At this age it is much easier for the body to recover quickly after your pregnancy because the tissue that holds the shape of your waist is not stretched by age or weight gain.
However, it is worth considering that this is a time when you are not mentally ready to get involved in pregnancy.


2) Pregnancy at the age of 28-34 years

The age of 26 to 29 is considered a good time to conceive, especially for women who have a healthy lifestyle with adequate nutrition and fitness. During this time, you will be physically and mentally prepared for the rigors of pregnancy.

    The early 30's quota is seen as a preferred time for pregnancy among career women. In fact, it has been found that those who give birth in adolescence are more likely to have health problems later in life than women who become mothers in their 30s.
 Keep in mind that after the age of 30, your fertility decreases and your chances of getting pregnant exceed 20% per month, and the rate of C-section in women between the ages of 30 and 34 doubles their quota of 20.
The abortion rate is 15% until the age of 35 and there is no significant change in the risk of Down syndrome up to this age.

    For many couples, this is a time when their relationship is most stable so that they can be committed to being parents.


3) Pregnancy at the age of 35-40 years

As the gestational age approaches 40, reproductive fertility levels begin to drop and pregnancy can become more difficult.

    There is a high probability of developing pregnancy illnesses such as high blood pressure and gestational diabetes.

   The risk of miscarriage is 1 in 4 pregnancies, and the risk of chromosomal abnormalities increases with maternal age.
 As the mother ages, the chances of having twins increase due to hormonal variations, as multiple eggs are released during ovulation.


4) Pregnancy above 40

The number of women giving birth to women aged 40 and over has increased significantly over the past few decades. However, the chances of getting pregnant drop to 5 percent per month after 40.

    Statistics indicate that about one-third of women over 40 struggle with infertility.
 They are six times more likely to develop gestational diabetes or have pre-existing conditions of diabetes.
 If you are pregnant and over the age of 40, additional pregnancy tests and close monitoring may be required.
 On the positive side, at this age, you can be financially secure and experienced in management. If you are a woman with a high profile career, you may be at a stage where you can take some time or choose a flexible work schedule to spend time with your child.

Being in good health before getting pregnant is more important than the age at which you are pregnant. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper postpartum care can help you have an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby no matter how old you are.


Men's age

Male fertility is also an important factor when a couple is trying to conceive. Between the ages of 41 and 45, male fertility declines by up to seven percent per year. Later the speed of reduction increases. The risk of miscarriage increases if the father is over 45 years of age, regardless of the age of the mother. Older men are more likely to have autism, mental health problems, and poor learning ability.

    Studies have shown that it takes about four to five months for a man under the age of 25 to have a baby, but for a woman under the age of 25, it can take up to two years for a man over the age of 40.

  Sperm count and sperm motility decrease with a human age.

   Testosterone levels begin to drop after the age of 40, and this means a low libido that can make sex difficult.
 Male reproductive diseases can be affected, and are more likely at this age. Steroids, anti-depressants, antifungal drugs and some bladder drugs can also negatively affect male fertility.

It is not impossible that an older person can be the father of a child. But in reality, men’s fertility decreases with age just as it makes women’s natural pregnancies more difficult.

The reasons for getting pregnant or having your baby at a certain time in your life may be different. But it is more important to be happy with what you have chosen and to use your happiness in the challenges of raising children

Disclaimer: This information is not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified professional and a qualified professional.

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