Nowadays, almost all of us are slowly becoming health conscious. And with that, various attempts are being made to control the weight. Excess weight or obesity is the root cause of heart problems, blood sugar, hypertension and other problems that are not unknown to anyone today. That is why many people today are following various rules including exercise and diet control. But in many cases, none of this is working. This is because of some misconceptions about weight loss. Weight loss will be easier if you can eliminate all these misconceptions about weight loss.

Common misconceptions about weight loss

1. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness

Exercise to lose weight
Many people think that it is possible to lose weight just by exercising. There is no need to control eating habits when sweating in the gym. Very wrong idea. You can understand by giving an example. You may burn 100 to 300 calories by exercising for an hour in the gym (depending on what type of exercise you are doing). But a glass of cold drink or a burger will store 1500 to 2000 calories in your body. Do you understand the figure now? So just going to the gym and sweating for hours will not be of any benefit. Healthy diet must be followed.

2. Weight training is a muscular body like boys

This is a big misconception. Many girls do not go to the gym for weight training thinking that if they do weight training, their face and body will become muscular like boys. But with proper weight training, the body will never be muscular. Because of the lack of the male hormone testosterone in girls. Rather, weight training is essential for body toning.

3. Drinking too much water makes the body swollen and fat

Drink enough water to lose weight

Many people reduce their water intake with the misconception that drinking too much water makes the body swell. Don't do that. Rather, water is essential for the body's metabolism. Must drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water a day.

4. Eating bananas makes you fat

This is often heard. Many people stay away from bananas for fear of getting fat even after eating all other fruits. But the minerals, potassium and vitamins in bananas are very beneficial for our body. A banana has 80 to 120 calories. Where chips, fried or one piece of sandesh has a lot more calories. So if you suddenly get hungry in the evening, you can eat a banana without eating these unhealthy foods. The stomach will be full, you will also get a lot of nutrition.

5. Weight loss will be followed by morning walk

Morning walk is very good for body and mind. It keeps the heart, the brain well. There can be no such thing as a morning walk for older people who cannot do heavy exercise. But if you want to lose weight and do body toning, just a morning walk will not work. Add to that the proper exercise routine and proper eating habits.

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