Any white food is a source of carbohydrates. Maybe after a while you are going to sit on the wedding pedestal or you want to shed excess body fat fast for a special occasion then just follow the 7 day carb free diet plan without looking left or right. Today I will tell you how to do it.

A 7-day carb free diet plan will reduce excess body fat

If you can skip white foods such as rice, flour, flour, sugar, extra salt from the daily food list, you will be able to reach your desired goal in a very short time.

Benefits of 7 days carb free diet

1. Weight Loss - The human body burns carbohydrates to gain energy. But when you start a carb free diet, your body burns fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.

2. Perfect Shape - Since you burn fat instead of carbohydrates, you will notice that your stomach, thighs and waist are in good shape. With this, if you exercise, your muscles will be well-formed.

3. Healthy Strong Body - With a carb free diet you start eating healthier foods. So naturally you can get disease free life.

List of Carb Free Diet Foods

1. Meat

Meat of any kind is a source of protein, vitamin B and iron. Baking and grilling reduce the amount of fat in the meat.

2. Fish and seafood

Fish is perfect for this diet. There is protein, vitamin D, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Fruits and vegetables

The contribution of fruits and vegetables for weight loss cannot be over stated. If you play these regularly, your health will be under your control and your skin will become radiant.

4. Eggs

Boiled eggs are another important source of protein. You can eat 2 eggs per day in carb free diet.

5. Nuts

In a carb free diet, you can eat nuts occasionally as an afternoon snack to get rid of the feeling of boredom. You can also mix it with salad.

7 day carb free diet chart

1st day

Morning - 2 boiled eggs, half a grapefruit, beef or chicken sausage, tea or coffee.

Afternoon - A bowl of salad made with chicken breast, cucumber, tomato, lettuce leaves, 8 ounces of water.

Night - Star fried lean meat in olive oil, a bowl of salad, 16 ounces of water.

2nd day

Morning - 2 boiled eggs, rajma or any dal cooked in a little oil, tea or coffee, 8 ounces of water.

Afternoon - It is very good if you can eat any boiled fish of your choice and if you can't, make a thin broth with a little oil and spices, a bowl of salad, 8 ounces of water.

Night - some grilled vegetables, vegetable soup, 16 ounces of water.

3rd day

Morning - Boiled spinach with tomatoes, a cup of low fat milk, tea or coffee.

Noon - 1 bowl of boiled fresh vegetables, 1 piece grilled chicken, 8 ounces of water.

Night - Chicken soup, 1 bowl of salad if stomach is not full, 18 ounces of water, tea without sugar.

4th day

Morning - 2 boiled eggs, 1 cup of low fat milk.

Afternoon - boiled fish, 1 bowl of Chinese vegetables, 8 ounces of water.

Night - Star-fried beef lean meat in olive oil, a bowl of salad, 16 ounces of water.

5th day

Morning - 1 boiled egg, sour yogurt, tea or coffee.

Afternoon - 350 grams of grilled beef, 1 bowl of salad, 8 ounces of water

Night - vegetable soup, boiled beef 200 grams, 18 ounces of water.

6th day

Morning - 2 fried eggs, half watermelon, sour yogurt, tea or coffee.

Afternoon - Oven baked chicken 500 g, a bowl of salad, 8 ounces of water.

Night - Star-fried beef lean meat in olive oil, a small glass of carrot juice, 2 slices of carrot, 16 ounces of water.

7th day

Morning - 2 egg poach, a cup of cottage cheese or Dhakaiya cheese, tea or coffee.

Afternoon - Grilled fish or lean meat, one cup of boiled vegetables, sour yogurt, 8 ounces of water.

Night - Vegetable soup or chicken soup, 1 orange / apple, 16 ounces of water.

With this diet you can lose up to 1-1.5 kg per week. This way you will follow this routine until you reach your desired weight. But sometimes take a break from this diet.

Important tips

1. Every morning on an empty stomach, mix warm water and honey with the juice of a lemon.

2. Whenever you feel hungry, eat a bowl of fruit salad or a salad made with cucumber and carrot.

3. Drink plenty of water. If you want you can eat fruit juice. But do not mix sugar with homemade juice.

4. Do not follow this diet for more than 4 weeks in a row.


Side effects of carb free diet

Since carbohydrates are very important for the energy of our body. So we need to be aware of some common side effects of carb free diet. For the first few days you may feel a little weak, but you may also feel nauseous. But there is no reason to fear. After 3/4 days these will be fixed again.

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