Under-weight: 8 diet plans will increase weight from morning to night


8 diet plans from morning to night will increase the weight


 Nowadays, most people have a desire to lose weight. How much do they do to lose weight! But there are some people, under-weights who are constantly facing embarrassing situations due to their dry worn out physique. This is my small effort to put a smile on their face today. Try to eat what you are told to eat. Don't go looking for its substitute. You need to consume 4000 or more calories per day to gain weight. But let's find out the details of the weight gain diet plan.


Why do we fall victim to under-weight?

1) Inadequate eating habits or aversion to food.

2) If the interval from one meal time to another is too much.

3) Carelessness in food selection.

4) Increased work pressure but not the amount of food.

There may be other reasons as well. For example - if you have been sick for a long time or if you are genetically thin. If you have been suffering from diabetes, cancer and thyroid problems for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor to gain weight. I would recommend relying on any medicine to increase the demand for food, try natural ingredients. Yogurt, Ginger, Mustard, Fresh Herbs, Raw Pepper, Ginseng are some natural appetite stimulants that have no side effects. Some drugs to reduce the feeling of loss of appetite are Dronabinol, Megestrol etc. Moreover it has been proven that some vitamins help in weight gain. Vitamin C slows down the process of metabolism, Vitamin D helps in bone formation and weight gain. But these cannot be taken without the advice of a doctor. The diet chart is given below.


Diet plan for being underweight


1. 8 o'clock in the morning

    Milk 200 ml (1 glass)
    Bread / parota with 2 butter
    Egg omelette


2. 10 o'clock in the morning

    Two sweet fruits such as mango and banana.


3. 1 p.m.

    2 cups of rice / 4 cups
    One bowl of any vegetable including potatoes
    1 cup of pulses
    Beef / mutton 2-4 pieces / fish 2 pieces
    Sweet yogurt

In all these recipes, a total of 4 teaspoons of oil should be used.


4. 3 p.m.

    1 glass of milk shake
    Almonds 20 gm / Pakura / Singara 1


5. 5 p.m.

    10-15 grams of dry fruit


6. 8 p.m.

    Chapati with 2 ghee
    1 cup of rice or khichuri
    1 cup of pulses
    2 pieces of beef / mutton / chicken
    A bowl of salad made with mayonnaise
    1 sweet


7. 10 o'clock at night

    1 glass of milk with 2-3 teaspoons of sugar.

There is no excuse to think that you are dry so do not exercise. In addition to following this diet chart, make it a habit to walk for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. You will see that in a very short time you will have a healthy and strong body.

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