According to the World Health Organization, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men after lung cancer. Thus, if the cancer is caught at an early stage, there is no fear of death at all. However, in most cases, the symptoms of prostate cancer are not recognized at an early stage. So when the problem becomes severe and the disease is diagnosed, it becomes almost impossible to save the patient.

According to urologist Vastav Ghosh, ‘the risk of this disease increases after the age of 50. The disease is diagnosed by PSA test or prostate specific antigen test. The level of PSA in the blood is usually between 1 and 4. Many tests show that some people have more than four levels of PSA in their blood. Leaving this level 4, there is no reason to assume that the disease has taken root. Rather, to be sure, digital rectal test is done. If any swelling is noticed in it, then biopsy is done. '

1. Because of the delay in diagnosing this cancer, the disease matches the plants in the body. So it is very important to recognize the symptoms. The fate of all remained.

2. Be aware if the speed of urination suddenly decreases. Get tested for urinary tract infections. If you do not find anything in the report, you must seek the help of a doctor.

3. If you notice any irritation, bleeding or pain during urination, do the necessary tests to see if they are caused by an infection. If not, be careful.

4. This disease causes pain in the lower abdomen as well as in the waist and spine. So be careful if such symptoms occur.

5. In many cases, the disease is accompanied by bleeding with semen during intercourse. Sometimes the urination stops. Exactly why this is so needs to be investigated. So seek medical attention.

6. Notice the color of the urine. It is important to be aware if it is darker or redder than usual and if there is pain in the lower abdomen.

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