There are many reasons for tooth decay. We eat different foods every day. And we brush at least twice a day and if we take too much time to brush this tooth enamel can be damaged. In this case, when the enamel is completely destroyed, the teeth begin to decay, resulting in damage to the gums and the base of the teeth. And it can cause tooth decay in people of any age. This does not happen suddenly. At first, the enamel on the surface of the teeth starts to deteriorate, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Causes of tooth decay

Teeth are our most valuable asset. There is a saying that having teeth does not mean the teeth. Once the tooth decays, it is difficult to repair. So you need to take the right teeth regularly. As if the cause of tooth decay.

In most cases it is seen that laziness is not brushed at night. As a result, dental problems occur. This problem is more common if you do not take regular dental instruments. As a result, various dental problems such as toothache, infections, and even tooth loss can be caused. And it contains a large number of bacteria, which survive depending on the sugar in the food we eat. These bacteria produce a type of acid that can damage teeth for 20 minutes or more after eating. And the effect of this harmful acid is to destroy the enamel and tooth decay. In addition, other causes of tooth decay are regular flushing and not brushing. Use of betel leaves, cigarettes, jorda gul etc. causes decay.

 And some reasons such as eating more sugary and carbohydrate foods. Due to the lack of fluoride. Fluoride protects teeth from acid and plaque and prevents corrosion and drying of saliva. This saliva prevents food particles and harmful sugars from getting stuck in our teeth and protects us from tooth decay. The problem is more in the elderly and if you have diabetes. . This problem is more common in children than in adults. Especially those whose teeth have not yet fully developed, this problem is more. Because at this time the amount of minerals in the teeth is less. This causes the teeth to decay quickly.

Ways to prevent tooth decay

The best way to prevent tooth decay is to eat a limited amount of sugary and sweet foods to prevent tooth decay. The inside of the mouth must be thoroughly cleaned after eating sweets. However, eating cheese after a sweet meal helps prevent oral bacteria. Caffeine and smoking dry out the saliva of the mouth so do not eat it. Sugar-free chewing gum keeps the amount of saliva in the mouth just right. Cannabis ingredients cannot be used separately to increase sugar or sweets in baby food.

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