Every person needs a certain amount of vitamins. Vitamin B has many benefits. Vitamin B   promotes cell health in our body. Vitamin B is very important for the body to grow properly. There are different types of vitamin B. One  type of vitamin  works one by one. So if you take  the right   amount   of vitamins, the body stays healthy and beautiful. Vitamins are usually divided into two categories. One is fat soluble and the other is water soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K have been included in the list of fat soluble vitamins. Vitamin B and C are listed as water soluble vitamins. Vitamins B and C cannot be stored in the body but they dissolve in water. If our body does not dissolve water properly, our urination will stop and gum will be excreted from the body. It will stop and various complications will be created in the body. Therefore, water soluble vitamins are very important for our body.


Benefits of Vitamin B.

Vitamin B has various benefits for our body. Lack of vitamin B complex causes many problems in the body. And if you take vitamin B, you can get rid of these easily.

1 Take the help of Vitamin B to get rid of dryness in the corners of the lips, cracked lips and palate.

2. Niacin Vitamin B3 works regularly to prevent weakness, itchy skin and diarrhea.

3. Vitamin B6 plays an effective role in anemia, high blood pressure, depression and skin problems.

4. Thiamine Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to beriberi. Heart palpitations, weakness, pain in hands and feet, etc. are due to lack of vitamin B1. And to get rid of this disease

Take vitamin B1 regularly. So it can be said that the benefits of vitamin B are many.

A source of vitamin B.

We eat a variety of foods every day. But not many of us know the source of vitamin B in any food. So we should all know the source of vitamin B in any food. Vitamin B is an essential element for the body. These are fish, chicken, lamb, etc. Foods are rich in vitamin B-1 and vitamin B-2. In addition, yogurt, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, potatoes, watermelon, cabbage, bananas, various types of berries, etc. contain vitamin B. In addition, many foods are rich in vitamin B, such as vegetables, green leafy vegetables, beetroot, and dairy products, such as lamb's cheese, yogurt, and many other foods.
Benefits of Vitamin B.

Types of Vitamin B

Many of us do not know about the types of B vitamins. The types of B vitamins are discussed below-

Vitamin B is usually of 6 types.

1. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
2. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
3. Niacin (Vitamin B3)
4. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)
5. Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
6. Biotin (Vitamin B6)
8. Folate (Vitamin B9)
. Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

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