What is high blood pressure?

If the blood pressure is higher than normal then it is called high blood pressure or hypertension. However, before saying that someone is suffering from high blood pressure, blood pressure should be measured after sitting for at least 5 minutes at three different times for at least three days. If found more than three times, it can be said for sure that he is suffering from high blood pressure. In Bangladesh, high blood pressure or hypertension is often referred to as just "pressure".


In most cases, there are no symptoms of high blood pressure. There are a lot of people around us who are suffering from high blood pressure but they don't know it themselves. Most of the time, high blood pressure is diagnosed after going for treatment for another disease or after having a complex or bad thing with long-term high blood pressure. That is why it is called 'silent killer'. In many cases, however, headaches or weight gain, body aches, etc. are seen. In a sense, their luck is good, because in their case the disease is caught early.

If the blood pressure rises too much, some other symptoms may appear, such as headaches as well as eye pain or blurred vision, difficulty breathing or nosebleeds. This is called malignant hypertension. In that case you should rush to the hospital without delay.

According to Brigadier Abdul Malik, the founding physician of the National Heart Foundation, early detection of high blood pressure and various measures need to be taken to prevent it.

What to do to prevent

According to Dr. Abdul Malik, blood pressure should be measured whenever you go to any health center or health worker. He said, “Maybe he went to the dentist. But measure the pressure once. ” According to him, blood pressure should be measured once a year from the age of 20. 35-40 years of age should be measured more regularly. In this case, if the parents have high blood pressure, then the children should be more careful.

Dr. The owner added that if high blood pressure is caught, it is important to see how it can be treated without medication. He emphasizes four things:

1. Eating salt should be reduced.

2. If you are overweight, you have to lose weight.

3. Must walk regularly.

4. Smoking must be avoided.

Even if you do not have high blood pressure, following these four rules will greatly reduce the chances of developing high blood pressure in the future.

Dr. Malik said, “Once you start taking medicine, you should continue. Even if the blood pressure is under control, you should continue taking the medicine. Because if the drug is stopped, there is a possibility of high blood pressure again. And sometimes you should go to the doctor for follow-up to see if the medicine is working properly, if there are any other complications. In addition, any problem should be contacted with a doctor. ”

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