If there are symptoms of vitamin B deficiency in our body, various problems occur. Sudden swelling of body tissues. Sudden weight loss, amnesia or memory loss. Nervous system problems and depression. In addition to the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency in the body due to swollen lips, swollen tongue, etc. However, many times pregnant women give birth to children with birth defects, which occurs when vitamin B deficiency. Lack of vitamin B causes inability to grow properly.

Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency

We suffer from various diseases at different times but we do not know which vitamins are causing these diseases. However, if it is known that there is a disease due to lack of any vitamin, it is possible to get sick by taking that vitamin regularly. In addition to the problems that occur due to lack of vitamin B, conjunctivitis is an eye infection that causes red eyes. And tears in his eyes. Hypoglycemia, dizziness, acne, etc. are the problems. Acne mainly affects the face. And the acne does not go away. And it is important to take vitamin B to get rid of all these diseases. The symptoms of vitamin B deficiency are discussed above.

Some diseases due to lack of vitamin B complex

1. Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency can lead to beriberi. Heart palpitations, weakness, pain in the hands and feet, etc. are due to lack of vitamin B1. And to get rid of these diseases, you need to take vitamin B1 regularly. So it can be said that the benefits of vitamin B are many.

2. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Lack of this vitamin causes sores on the corners of the lips, cracked lips and palate, dry throat, etc.

3. Niacin (Vitamin B3) Weakness, itchy skin and diarrhea are caused by lack of vitamin B3.

4. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) Lack of this vitamin causes skin problems.

5. Pyridoxine (Vitamin 6) Anemia, high blood pressure, depression, and skin problems are caused by lack of vitamin B6. To overcome this, you need to take vitamin B6 rich food.

. Biotin (Vitamin B6) Growth and emotional growth in children is due to lack of Vitamin B6.

6. Flolate (Vitamin B9) Lack of this vitamin causes blood clots. If a pregnant mother is deficient in vitamin B9, the birth defect of the fetus occurs.

6. Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to anemia and mental problems.

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