Anemia is a very familiar name to the women of our country. Why only women and men also suffer from anemia. However, the survey found that the number of women seems to be higher. When red blood cells or hemoglobin are low in your body's blood, that condition is called anemia. This condition occurs only when the body is deficient in iron. Inadequate amount of iron in the blood makes us feel weak, nauseous, sleepy all day and pale. The main purpose of my writing today is to protect you from the terrible scourge of anemia through natural ingredients and at the same time to present to you the issues related to anemia.

Possible cause of anemia

Anemia can lead to anemia. If there is a gradual loss of blood from the body for a long time, then anemia occurs in the body. This slow loss of blood can be caused by ulcers, cancer, excessive bleeding during menstruation, or bleeding during childbirth. Anemia is also caused by insufficient red blood cell production.

The main causes and prevention of anemia are 12 eating habits

And this little red blood cell is responsible for producing -


1. Sickle cell anemia

Due to genetic factors, red blood cells take on a crescent shape and break down quickly, leaving us with anemia.


2. Vitamin deficiency

This problem starts with lack of vitamin 12 or folate. Because these 2 vitamins produce red blood cells in the body. Eating less meat than required causes a deficiency of vitamin 12 in the body. On the other hand, even if we cook the vegetables over, we are deprived of the folate present in them.


3: Iron deficiency

Usually women in our country suffer from anemia due to lack of adequate iron in the diet. Due to insufficient iron, our body cannot make the required amount of hemoglobin for red blood cells. As a result, iron deficiency anemia attacks us. In addition, frequent blood donation and excess caffeine intake also reduces the amount of iron in the body.


4: Bonemar is also a problem

The bone marrow in the middle of the bone takes the help of iron to make hemoglobin. When the bone marrow is also injured by radiation, medication, infection, lead or chemotherapy, it can no longer produce the necessary red blood cells. And then it's called Bonmar's problematic anemia.


Here are some home remedies for anemia

01. Vitamin C helps absorb iron from food. Tomatoes, lemons, pickled fruits, capsicum are good sources of vitamin C.

02. Increase the amount of iron-rich foods in the diet. Eat plenty of foods such as meat, fish, nuts, green vegetables, kachu, liver.

03. Espiriluna is a bluish green algae that is beneficial in the treatment of anemia. 1 teaspoon of juice daily is enough. However, nowadays espiriluna is also available in capsule form.

04. Coffee, tea and red wine contribute to the absorption of iron. So it is healthy for those of us who have anemia to avoid these drinks.

05. Many people may have heard the name Epsom salt. Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in half a bucket of water and soak your feet for 5-10 minutes every day. You will see that you are getting a lot of benefits.

07. Make a habit of eating one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of vinegar every day. If you want, you can mix all these together and eat. Honey contains sufficient amount of iron, manganese and copper.

07. Include foods rich in vitamin B12 and folate on your daily diet. Oranges, bananas, peas, dairy foods, eggs all contain sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 and folate.

07. The most effective home treatment for anemia patients is hand and foot massage. In this way the blood circulation in the body will be in the right way.

09. Try cooking in pots made with iron. It has been proven that the amount of iron in the food cooked in these pots increases a lot.

10. Mix one cup of apple juice with one cup of beet root juice and sugar and eat it once a day.

11. Apple and tomato juice is also good for anemic patients.

12. Mix one tablespoon of honey with a ripe banana and eat it every day. Thus, 2 bananas should be eaten in a combination of honey every day. We all know that bananas contain a lot of iron and honey is also added. So is there anything more nutritious than this for an anemic patient?

In fact, the key to healing anemia lies in food. If you suffer from anemia, the first thing to look at is your daily diet. And try to find a cure for anemia from the beginning to find resistance to it. Because once a disease is involved, it is really difficult to get rid of it. And I am telling the expectant mothers to eat according to the right rules, otherwise the effect will fall on you and your unborn child. Good luck to all of you.


  1. Hey thегe and Thank you so much for sharing this information. It has very useful. Please keep sharing. Kindly visit the Top 12 Home Remedies For Anemia


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