Coconut oil has become a popular cause for weight loss and beauty for good health. Studies have shown that coconut oil has multiple health benefits ranging from improving human skin to increasing hair fullness and even weight loss.

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Health benefits of coconut oil:


Top 5 uses of coconut oil to lose weight
Top 5 uses of coconut oil to lose weight


One tablespoon of coconut oil contains:

  1.     120 calories
  2.     14 grams of fat
  3.     Saturated fat 12.5 g
  4.     1 gram of unsaturated fat

Coconut oil does not contain sodium, cholesterol or carbohydrates. Adding coconut oil to your diet will increase the amount of healthy fats you are giving your body. Coconut oil helps your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins.


Here are the top five health benefits of coconut oil:


 1 Coconut oil can help to lose weight

There is no doubt that coconut oil can increase metabolism and reduce appetite, which means coconut oil can help you lose weight. A study conducted on 40 women found that coconut oil can be beneficial in weight loss. During the study, participants were given 30 grams of soybean or coconut oil for 28 days. They were further instructed to take fewer calories per day and exercise. At the end of the survey, it was found that both groups lost 1 kg. However, only those groups that have taken coconut oil have reduced their waist circumference. Coconut oil did not cause overall weight loss but it was effective in reducing belly fat.


 2 Coconut oil helps reduce belly fat

Coconut oil is beneficial in reducing belly fat. Several studies have shown that those who consume coconut oil in addition to proper diet and nutrition lose more belly fat than those who consume other types of fats such as soybean oil.

In one study with overweight men, 30 grams of coconut oil reduced waist circumference by about 1.1 inches for 4 weeks!


 3 Coconut oil is useful to reduce appetite

There are many studies involving medium chain fatty acids that show that coconut oil enhances the feeling of fullness and helps you eat less than other fats.

It’s not entirely clear why this happens, but it has something to do with the metabolism of coconut oil fats.


4 Coconut oil helps reduce bad cholesterol

Coconut oil is beneficial in reducing bad cholesterol. Because coconut oil is high in natural saturated fat, it helps your body try to convert bad cholesterol into good. Good cholesterol brings a healthy mind that lowers your risk of heart disease. Coconut oil can reduce inflammation and arthritis. The high antioxidant levels of coconut oil free your body from this disease.


5 Coconut oil is useful in fighting cancer

According to some experts, coconut oil can even help your body fight cancer. Two components of coconut oil support this claim.

One is the presence of ketones in the oil that fights cancer. Researchers have discovered that tumor cells are unable to use energy in ketones. Instead, they gain their energy through glucose. This is why it is thought that a ketogenic-based diet can help cancer patients overcome this disease.

The second is that the cancer-fighting ingredient goes back to the medium chain fatty acids, which kill certain types of bacteria. The presence of these types of bacteria increases the risk of stomach cancer.



Coconut oil can help you shrink your stomach size, lose weight, lower your cholesterol, reduce your appetite, and even fight cancer! It can really be considered as a “super food” and coconut oil is a beneficial ingredient for weight loss that I try to include in my daily diet.

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