The lung is an organ of the vertebrate that is used for breathing. The main function of this respirator is to take oxygen from the air into the bloodstream and to expel carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the air. This gas is exchanged by millions of very thin-walled air sacs made of specialized cells called alveoli. It has other functions besides breathing. The medical term for lungs begins with pulmo-, [Latin-pulmonarious ("lung")] or pneumo-) [Greek গ্র "lung"].

The lungs carry the heart and large arteries around the thoracic cavity.

Smokers often say, 'I got poisoned knowingly.' Although not in public, but in secret. Whenever asked, the answer is the same, much reduced. Or say goodbye to this bad habit from next month, something like this can always be heard in their mouths. But in the end it didn't happen anymore. On the other hand, smoking cripples the lungs. As a result of long-term bad habits, a very important organ in the body is being severely damaged every day. It is best to save the lungs if you can say goodbye to smoking forever. There is no need to re-inform that smoking is the cause of cancer. For those who have made a bet to break their bow and let go, there is no question of quitting smoking, we are looking for a way to resort to newspapers at this time in Kolkata. It can at least make the lungs a little stronger.

Clean all the dirt in the lungs in just two days, see how to do it

And why not just smoke, there's no reason to think that the amount of dust and smoke that enters our body through inhalation throughout the day without asking is also very good. For non-smokers, the lungs can be severely damaged. Especially those who work on the streets, or spend most of the day on crowded streets. Here is a magic paste recipe for everyone. Try it at home, you will understand the results in a few days.

Everything you need to make a magic paste:

1) One liter of water
2) One kilo of onion
3) 50 grams of ginger
4) 400 grams of honey
5) 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder

How to make a mixture to remove dirt from the lungs:

First mix honey in water. Put the pot on low heat. When the water boils, add chopped onion and ginger paste. When this new mixture boils again, add turmeric. Then reduce the flame completely. When the mixture is half done, lower the pot, cool it a little, strain the mixture and just put the water in a glass jar. When cool, place the jar in the fridge. You will see that the mixture will thicken after cooling. Or if you don't understand the above, do the following.

How to create:

1. First add honey to the water.

2. Now add onion powder, ginger powder and turmeric powder.

3. When it boils, lower the stove.

4. Keep stirring until the liquid thickens and halves.

5. Keep stirring occasionally.

. When it becomes thick, remove it.

. When cool, refrigerate.

How to eat:

Eat 2 teaspoons every morning on an empty stomach. And eat 2 teaspoons 2 hours before dinner. That means eat it twice a day. At least don’t eat anything within half an hour of eating it. You will be able to understand the difference within a week.

Especially, those who smoke have a cough all year round. In a week it will be much less. If you use Rose, you will be able to keep your lungs well. The statutory warning again, this method will work very well after quitting smoking. There is no substitute for quitting smoking. Smoking damages not only your lungs, but your entire body. If you can't quit smoking alone, drink this drink. This will help keep your lungs clean and healthy.
Read more: Home Remedies for Asthma

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