We try a lot of times to control diabetes. There are many foods that can be used to control diabetes. Do you know how useful fenugreek seeds are in controlling diabetes? The World Health Organization estimates that diabetes kills about 1.7 million people. So if you have diabetes, it is important to control your blood sugar levels. In addition, you should pay special attention to the food you eat.


Diabetics should include more fiber in their diet. There are some foods in our hands that can help us control our diabetes. Fenugreek seeds are one of them. Let's learn the benefits and methods of using fenugreek in diabetes control in today's article.

Benefits of fenugreek in controlling diabetes

There has been a lot of research on whether fenugreek is really beneficial in controlling diabetes. And the study has shown good results. The presence of fiber in fenugreek does not increase blood sugar levels. Fenugreek seeds act like insulin for diabetics. As a result, the level of sugar in the body decreases.

One study found that soaking 10 grams of fenugreek seeds overnight and drinking the water the next day prevented type 2 diabetes. Fenugreek water is also helpful in lowering cholesterol in the body. Which can reduce heart disease.
How to eat fenugreek to reduce diabetes

    Tea with fenugreek to control diabetes

Do you love to drink tea? Then you can try fenugreek tea in the morning. This will not only reduce the intoxication of tea but will also help control your diabetes. The method of making fenugreek tea is as follows.

Ingredients for making fenugreek tea:

    One tablespoon fenugreek leaves.
    One tablespoon fenugreek seeds.
    One tablespoon of honey.
    One cup of water.

Method of making fenugreek tea

    Boil one cup of water in a pan.
    Heat fenugreek leaves and seeds in boiling water for another ten minutes.
    Strain the mixture and take it in another cup and mix it with honey. Playing twice a day will lower blood sugar levels.

    Fenugreek water to control diabetes

Regular fenugreek water is able to regulate glucose levels in the body. The amino acids present in it help in secreting insulin. This reduces the amount of glucose in the body as well as controls diabetes.

Ingredients for making fenugreek water:

    Two tablespoons fenugreek seeds.
    Two cups of water.

Method of making fenugreek water:
    Soak fenugreek seeds in a cup of water.
    Cover the water with a pot and soak overnight.
    Get up the next morning and drink the water.

Thus, regular consumption of one cup of fenugreek water can bring diabetes under control within 1 month.

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    Fenugreek seeds and yogurt to control diabetes

Fenugreek seeds and yogurt to control diabetes
Fenugreek seeds and yogurt are rich in anti-inflammatory. These two ingredients together are perfect for improving the health of diabetics.

Materials required:

    One tablespoon fenugreek seeds.
    A cup of yogurt.

You have to let go

    Finely grind the fenugreek seeds.
    Mix fenugreek powder well with one cup of yogurt.
    You can use this method twice a day.

How much fenugreek should be eaten regularly?

How much fenugreek should be eaten regularly

How much fenugreek is good to eat depends on the level of sugar. Usually 3 to 5 grams of fenugreek is said to be eaten. Some people benefit from 3 grams of fenugreek seeds and some people benefit from 10 grams. So the best way is to consult your doctor about how much fenugreek to use regularly.

Then you know the benefits of eating fenugreek and the method of eating. But before you start eating fenugreek, you need to know how much fenugreek you need to eat regularly. Start eating fenugreek to control diabetes with the advice of a doctor. However, you must get treatment to control diabetes

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