Toenail care is part of our beauty. We boys say and girls are aware of skin care but neglect to take care of feet or toenails. Beauty remains incomplete if foot care is neglected. Every part of the body needs care. And especially toenails. Neglect of toenails can lead to infection, nail biting. So in addition to taking care of the skin, it is very important to take care of our feet and nails.


Only by taking a little time out in our busy working life can we take care of our feet and nails. But for that you have to emulate a few methods. We will share those methods with you today. So let's see how to take care of feet and toenails.

How to take care of feet

1. Foot Scrubber:

Our face and hands and feet also get tan. So it is necessary to scrub 2-3 days a week to remove dark spots on the feet and bring natural color. The scrubber is only needed on the hands and face but not the scrubber can be used on the feet. Make a scrubber in a natural way, it gives good results and does not have any side effects.

Make a scrubber by mixing sugar with lemon juice. Now rub this scrubber on the black part of the feet for 10-15 minutes. The black stains on the feet will be removed and the feet will become soft and smooth.
2. To reduce ankle fracture

Many people have a tendency to break their ankles. It doesn't look good, but it doesn't fit with stylish shoes. Ankle fractures are probably caused by using too much water or not taking proper care of the feet. To get rid of it, burn the onion and blend it or take it. Now apply the onion paste on the cracked part of the ankle. Follow this method regularly and hopefully you will get good results.

3. Warm hot water to keep the feet well

If you want to keep your feet beautiful, keep your feet wet by mixing shampoo and lemon juice in warm and warm water at least 1-2 days a week. This will remove the dirt that has accumulated on the feet as well as remove the bacteria from the feet and make the feet soft and beautiful.

4. Moisturizer for foot care

Just as the face and hands become dry and rough, so do our beautiful feet. So you need a moisturizer like face and hands to refresh your legs. Don't forget to apply moisturizer on your feet before going home or sleeping at night. This will keep your feet fresh all day long.

5. Olive oil to keep the feet well

Olive oil is very effective in foot care. Olive oil can also be mixed with some other ingredients to make a mixture that works great to keep the feet beautiful. Make a pack with half a cup of sour yogurt and 1 or half teaspoon of sugar with olive oil. Apply this pack on the feet and massage. And rinse in cold water. If you use the pack at least 1-2 days a week, you will understand the results.

How to take care of toenails

1. Cut your toenails regularly

Toenails grow very quickly. Having big nails means germs. So it is very important to trim nails at least 2-3 days a week. Always cut the nails with a nail clipper. Rinse the nail cutter in water before cutting. This will reduce the infection.

2. Soak your nails in warm water

I will share with you a very good tip to take care of toenails. Before cutting the nails, soak the nails in warm water for 5 minutes and add a pinch of salt in the hot water. After soaking the nails, remove the nails. The nails are good.
3. Do not keep nail polish on nails for long

Many people leave nail polish on their nails for a long time as it causes damage to the nails. The nails turn yellow. For this, read the nail polish and leave it for a while.

4. Moisturizer for toenail care

We use a remover to remove nail polish. Nail moisture is lost when removed with a remover. So don't forget to apply moisturizer or lotion on the nails after removing the nail polish.

5. Regularly clean the dirt of toenails

Regularly clean the toenail dirt while bathing. It will not be able to accumulate dirt on the nails as well as get rid of the infection.

Hopefully, if you follow these rules, your legs will become soft and beautiful. So try to get beautiful legs from today.

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