Diet plan for diabetics

Diabetes is no longer just a disease of the elderly due to the environment, adulteration of food, various physical ailments. From newborns to young and old, everyone can get diabetes. In diabetes, you have to follow the rules of food, rest and exercise. If not, the illness may get worse. It is wise to follow certain rules and stay healthy rather than relying entirely on drugs. The correct diet chart is to be followed in diabetes. Absolutely not much to eat a small amount at a time. Many people do not know the rules of this proper diet. Do not understand what to eat when, what should not. So for their convenience, the diet chart has been arranged today.

Everything you can eat for breakfast


It is very important to have fruit for breakfast. The fruit keeps both body and mind fresh and fills the calorie deficiency in the body without any harm. Banana, apple, orange, malt, strawberry, these fruits are very beneficial for health.


For breakfast you can add pickled yogurt or leaf yogurt without sugar. It increases digestion and fills the lack of calcium in the body.

Eggs and English muffins

Fry an egg with tomatoes, onions in olive oil. You can take with you fat free cheese and sugar free bread or English muffins.

Mixed breakfast

Fat free sour yogurt, mixed dry fruits, nuts, wall nuts, cornflakes can be eaten mixed. It is nutritious and beneficial.


Make a mixture of cooked oatsmeal, nuts, cinnamon and sugar instead of sugar for dessert. Then you can eat it with low fat milk.

Cornflakes and cream cheese

If you are in a hurry, you can mix light cream cheese with cornflakes and eat it with milk. There will be a quick breakfast and diabetes will be under control.

Anything you can eat for lunch


A salad with a variety of vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce leaves, parsley leaves, carrots must be included in the daily menu.

Fish or meat


Put a piece of fish or meat on the food list. But Red Meat must be avoided. The chicken can have one or two pieces and any fish. Rice should be avoided as much as possible. And even if you play, it is not more than one cup.

Some light fruits can be eaten after meals. This will keep the body fresh.

Vegetables and pulses

A variety of pulses and vegetables should be included in the food list. But not with too much spice. Lunch can have a variety of vegetables such as red spinach, spinach, pomegranate, etc.

Whatever you can eat for breakfast in the afternoon

Diabetics should have some light snacks after a while. For example, biscuits, bread, turnips, etc. without sugar. So some light food can be kept for breakfast in the afternoon.

Green tea or spicy tea can be eaten without sugar. With biscuits, wraps or toast.


You can eat carrot or semolina pudding with cal free. Boot pudding is also quite healthy.

Instead of buying artificial sherbet in the market, make different fruit sherbets at home without sugar.

Anything you can eat for dinner

Rice or flour bread

Eating rice at night is absolutely not recommended for diabetic patients. So 2 to 3 thin loaves of rice, wheat or flour are best for the night.



Light vegetables can be eaten with bread at night. If you have a problem with acidity, you do not need to eat fruit.


It is better not to eat meat at night. One piece of fish can be eaten.

In addition to regular healthy eating, drink plenty of water, go for a walk every day. Some light exercise will keep the mind and body cheerful. Medication should be taken regularly and follow the doctor's advice. Moderate sleep and exercise will keep you away from many of the complications of diabetes.

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