For many years there has been a trend of people drinking coffee in different parts of the world and the number of people drinking coffee is increasing day by day and in Bangladesh nowadays many people are drinking coffee at home, at work or just for leisure. Millions of people around the world start their day with a cup of warm coffee. But did you know that in addition to its captivating aroma, taste and distinctive aroma, coffee is a blessing for your health.

 Coffee beech, coffee beans are powdered to make usable coffee. However, this powder can be of many types. Such as- fine, granular etc. Coffee made with these can be different - hot, cold, iced, etc. Coffee mainly provides warmth or invigorates the mind. It can also be emotionally and physically invigorating. Recent scientific studies have revealed some more startling facts which are as follows-

Coffee tips to maintain health



1) Reduces the risk of heart attack

Many studies have found that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of death from heart attacks and strokes. A study of 41,000 (forty-one thousand) women over a 15-year period found that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day significantly reduced the risk of heart attack. Similar information has been found in the case of men. Coffee contains a powerful antioxidant called caffeine which can reduce the risk of heart disease.


2) Helps to increase the function of blood vessels and keep blood pressure normal

Coffee contains more caffeine than tea or chocolate. A caffeine plays a role in lowering LDL (harmful cholesterol) in the blood and increasing HDL (beneficial cholesterol). The abnormal presence of these two narrows the blood vessels which will obstruct the blood supply to its distal part. This can result in heart attack, stroke or peripheral vascular disease. For those who are at risk of all this, drinking 4 cups of black coffee every day will be very beneficial.


3) Solution of indigestion

Coffee regularly affects the metabolism of food and is beneficial for those who have digestive problems. Especially for those who need to defecate a few times a day, drinking coffee can make a visible improvement very quickly.


4) Cancer resistant

In today's world cancer is rampant. Different parts of the world are dying of cancer and we don't know how to prevent many cancers. Drink regular coffee can also spread some light. Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a four-fold risk of developing colon cancer compared to those who do not drink coffee. Drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of cancer of the lungs, prostate, stone, uterus, liver, stomach and pancreas.


5) Prevent tooth decay

Everyone likes a beautiful smile with beautiful teeth, but here it is tied up due to tooth decay. Regular coffee drinking (roasted coffee) can play a special role in this case.


6) To cure headaches

I think this information is known to many people that drinking coffee cures headaches. Drinking coffee can be beneficial for any type of headache. As blood vessels dilate during headaches, caffeine in coffee helps to constrict. Which results in reduced headaches.


7) Reduce the overall risk of death

Studies conducted in different parts of the world have shown that regular coffee consumption can reduce the overall risk of death by at least 5 percent. A 14-year study of 4 million people of all ages found that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of death. Those who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day had a 10 percent reduced risk and those who drank 4-5 cups of coffee had a 14 percent lower risk of death. Women will benefit more from drinking coffee, except during pregnancy.


8) Reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes

Drinking coffee regularly helps reduce the risk of diabetes. Scientists have found evidence of this in a recent study. They found that a protein composed of three compounds in coffee was able to prevent harmful substances in the blood that are responsible for causing diabetes in the body. This harmful substance is the main cause of long-term diabetes in the body. When the body is unable to produce the necessary insulin, coffee extract protects people from diabetes by suppressing harmful toxic substances that destroy insulin-producing cells in the blood. Researchers have found that coffee contains caffeine, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid to help treat diabetes more effectively.


9) Anti oxidant

A 2005 survey found that no other food in the world has antioxidants like coffee. Although fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, none of them contain coffee.


 10) Eliminate Parkinson's disease

According to the science daily Science Daily, people with Parkinson's disease can greatly benefit from drinking coffee. Coffee helps them a lot in controlling this disease. Not only disease but regular coffee consumption is less likely to cause this disease than those who do not drink coffee.


11) Beneficial for the liver

Coffee is extremely beneficial for the liver of the human body. Especially if someone is addicted to alcohol. A 2008 study found that people who drank coffee every day were 20 percent less likely to develop liver cirrhosis. People who consume excessive alcohol are more likely to develop liver cirrhosis.


12) To reduce the risk of suicide

A study conducted by the Department of Public Health at Harvard University found that drinking 2-4 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of suicide in boys and halved the risk of suicide in girls.


13) Role in reducing the risk of skin cancer

One study found that girls who drank three or more cups of coffee a day had a much lower risk of skin cancer than those who did not.


14) To keep the brain healthy for a long time

The caffeine present in coffee prevents dementia. Studies of people aged 65 and over have found that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day improves their memory.


15) Makes intelligent

According to a CNN report, coffee will not only sharpen you, but also sharpen your intellect. Caffeine, the ingredient in coffee, can accelerate nervous activity. Regular coffee drinking can improve mood and help build an overall constructive attitude.

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