There is no end to the worries of girls about irregular menstruation Polycystic ovary 6 is one of the causes of irregular menstruation and infertility This polycystic ovary is 5-10% of hormonal problems in girls This condition is called polycystic ovarian syndrome when it has many symptoms. In short PCOS 6 Let's find out more about the symptoms, causes and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Symptoms, causes and treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome

What is a polycystic ovary?

Symptoms, causes and treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome 

From the name we understand that it is a disease of ovary In this disease, cyst is formed in the ovary However, this is not the case in all cases In these cases, doctors make clinical diagnoses

Symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome

1. Irregular menstruation.
2. Short or extra long period.
3. Excess hair on the face, neck and chest.
4. Overweight
5. Black spots on the throat.
6. Thinning of hair.
7. Extreme anxiety and depression.

Being overweight can also lead to diabetes, hypertension, and high blood cholesterol problems.
Who is it?

The disease occurs in women at reproductive age or reproductive age The disease is more common in the age group of 15-45 years

Why is that?

Although the exact cause of the disease is not known, it is thought that hormonal imbalances and heredity are among the causes. The risk is a bit higher for any member of the family, especially the mother or sister The production of excess androgens (male hormones) in the body of girls is also considered to be the cause of this disease.

Necessary tests

- Thyroid function test
-Fasting glucose test
-lipid level
-serum FSH / LH
-serum testosterone level

Treatments for polycystic ovary disease

1. First of all, control your weight through controlled diet and moderate exercise Moderate weight will lower your blood glucose levels and help you menstruate regularly

2. The birth control pill is especially effective for those who are not thinking about getting pregnant right now, especially for those who are unmarried. Pill use is regular monthly 6 The level of male hormones in the blood decreases, the problem of excess hair and acne also decreases

3. Physicians prescribe ovulation inducing drugs such as clomiphene citrate, FSH as needed for those who are interested in conceiving or suffering from infertility problems.

4. Metformin: Lowers blood glucose levels and reduces hirsutism. Metformin and clomiphene citrate are often used together

5. Anti-androgen: Reduces male hormones As a result, the problem of excess hair is reduced However, this medicine is not for those who are interested in pregnancy

6. Surgery: In this case the doctor does “ovarian drilling” through lapaoscopy

Extra caution during pregnancy

Patients with PCOS may have complications such as miscarriage, maternal diabetes, and premature delivery.

If you suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, you must take extra precautions during pregnancy. Regularly consult a doctor and get a checkup

What are the complications of this disease?

  1. -High-blood pressure.
  2. -High-cholesterol in the blood.
  3. -Diabetes.
  4. -endometrial carcinoma: (a type of uterine cancer).
  5. - Heart attack.
  6. -Sleep apnea: (Sleep apnea).
  7. -Breast cancer: (breast cancer).
  8. -Excessive anxiety and depression.

The sooner you are diagnosed and treated appropriately, the lower the risk of complications So if the symptoms of this disease match with you, then consult a doctor immediately Good health and good luck to everyone 8 per

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