Do you quench your thirst by drinking a glass of ice cold water after working all day, whether it is unbearably hot or cold or the weather? Okay, so today's article is for you. Before reading the whole article, think about how much cold water you are drinking and whether it is good or bad for your health. Many people say that one should not always drink cold water but should always drink light hot water instead of cold water. Let's see if today's hot water is good or cold, exactly what is good for your body.

3 things to drink cold water

1. Why is cold water bad for you?

Many health conscious people say to drink a certain amount of water every day because it keeps the body hydrated. However, this may not be the case with cold water. Many people think that cold water can do more harm than good. This belief comes from the idea that drinking cold water causes your stomach to constrict, causing some difficulty in digesting food after eating.

Some people also believe that if you drink water at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius or less, then you have to work hard to keep your internal body temperature at 36 degrees centigrade. Are these words true? Well, I assume it's partly true. In a small study published in 1986, it was stated that drinking cold water helps to thicken the mucus in the nasal cord and makes it difficult to breathe through it. It was also said that drinking hot water or drinking chicken soup makes breathing easier. And for those who have flu or allergy problems, drinking cold water has been mentioned as harmful.

Another study conducted in 2001 suggested that drinking cold water may be linked to migraines, and that those who have experienced migraines may already be well aware of this. Here is another condition called Achalasia. Acacia is a painful condition that can be caused by drinking cold water while eating. In this case, drinking cold water while eating makes it difficult for food to pass through the esophagus. Also according to Chinese medicine, drinking cold water while eating causes imbalance in the body. So when serving food in Chinese and various other countries it is served with mild hot water. There is another popular belief in some countries that cold water in the heat does not actually cool your body, it is just an idea. However, there is no scientific evidence for or against this belief.

2) The benefits of drinking cold water

    Drinking cold water while exercising or doing any hard work helps to prevent excessive heat in your body. Using cold water during exercise helps maintain your body's normal temperature.

    Another advantage of cold drinking water is that it can provide more energy to your body regardless of its temperature.

    Drinking water is also good for digestion and water helps you maintain a relatively healthy weight. It also helps your body burn extra fat and calories, when you work out extra then drink cold water.

    However, if you think that just drinking more will make you jump and lose weight, you are wrong. However, drinking more water will help you in other weight loss programs.

So what did you think in the end? What kind of water should you drink? Cold or hot? Before making a final decision, let's see if there are any advantages or disadvantages to drinking hot water.

3) Is warm or hot water better than cold water?

There are some positive arguments for drinking light hot water, such as hot water can help digestion, improve blood circulation and help your body remove toxins faster. However, drinking hot water can make you less thirsty which can be dangerous on hot days because then most of the body water is excreted as sweat.

Realizing all of the above information we can come to a conclusion that cold water provides energy during our exercise but in any case you should not drink cold water in winter or if you have flu. Cold water is also associated with decreased digestion.

However, after hard work or after a tiring day you can drink a few sips of cold water but in small quantities. However, if you eat heavy meals, then light hot water will make you cheaper. Hopefully, this post has helped you decide what kind of water to take is best for you. Stay well Stay healthy.

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