Cancer is still a curse to people. Even after so much progress in medical science, it is a matter of luck to get the exact cause of this disease or to recover completely by quick treatment. The topic of our discussion today is Oral Cancer. Let's not know about the causes, symptoms and treatment of oral cancer!

As much as talking about oral cancer or oral cancer
What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the tissues of the mouth or lips. This includes head and throat cancer. Which is most often found in squamous tissue of the mouth, tongue and lips. Each year, more than 49,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with oral cancer, most of them over the age of 40.

Types of oral cancer
The following cancers are more common in oral cancer:

1. Lips

2. Tongue

3. The inner part of the cheek

4. Gums

5. Palate

Any abnormality is usually first noticed by the dentist. For this, it is necessary to examine the teeth and the surrounding area twice a year.
Causes of oral cancer

One of the major causes of oral cancer is tobacco use. It can be through cigarettes, cigars or jordan. People who regularly drink large amounts of alcohol and tobacco are most at risk. Other reasons are:

Causes of oral cancer

1) Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection

2) If sunlight falls on the face for a long time

3) If anyone in the family has a history of getting this cancer.

4) Weak immunity.

5) Malnutrition

6) Gender

Studies have shown that men are almost twice as likely to be infected than women.

Symptoms of oral cancer

The symptoms of oral cancer are:

1) Prolonged sores on the lips or face

2) Abnormal lumps or lumps appear anywhere on the face

3) Loss of teeth

4) Feeling pain or difficulty swallowing

5) A lump appears in the throat

6) Feeling pain in the ears

6) Weight loss in a short time

6) Feeling of numbness in the lower lip, mouth, throat or cheeks

9) Pain in the tongue

10) Pain or numbness in the jaw

Although mouth sores and ear pain can occur in any other ailment, the above symptoms should be shown to the doctor if they occur together.
Test for oral cancer

The doctor performs one of the following tests:

1. X-ray - to see if it has spread to the face, chest or lungs

2. CT scan - to detect the presence of a tumor anywhere in the mouth, lips, throat or lungs

3. MRI scan to understand the stage of cancer and the actual condition of the mouth and throat
 Medical procedures

The treatment of oral cancer depends on its type, location, stage. It doesn't take much time to get caught in the early stages. However, the age of the patient is also a big factor. A study by the National Cancer Institute in the United States found that 80 percent of oral cancer patients live five years or more. The sooner the cancer is diagnosed, the more likely the patient is to survive after treatment. Even in Stage-1 and Stage-2 patients this rate can be as high as (80–90) percent. From these statistics, you can understand the importance of early detection and treatment of cancer.

1. Surgery

In the early stages of treatment, surgery is usually to remove the tumor or carcinogenic lymph nodes. Besides, the tissues around the mouth and throat are also taken a lot of the time.

2. Radiation therapy, radiation therapy for oral cancer

Radiation therapy is another option for this treatment. This therapy can last from 2 weeks to 6 weeks, 2 days or 5 days a week. If the cancer is in advanced stage, chemotherapy may be needed along with radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy also has some side effects. E.g.

1) Wounds in the face

2) Dry mouth

3) Tooth decay

4) Bleeding from the gums

5) Nausea and vomiting

6) Various skin and oral infections

7) Exhaustion

8) Impatience to taste and smell etc.

3. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy involves the destruction of cancer cells in the body through medication. The medicine may be taken orally or intravenously. This process depends on the patient's physical condition.

Oral Cancer Chemotherapy Side-effects - Some of the side effects of chemotherapy are:

1) Hair loss

2) Pain in the mouth and gums

3) Bleeding from the gums

4) Anemia

5) Weakness

6) Loss of appetite

7) Nausea and vomiting

8) Diarrhea etc.

4. Nutrition:

Healthy living and healthy eating keep us away from all diseases. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals also help maintain oral health. Also stay away from this disease as much as possible away from alcohol, smoking and tobacco use.

From the beginning to the end of oral cancer is as much as today. I am concluding the discussion here wishing everyone well. Stay well, stay healthy.

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