During becoming a mother, a girl's body and mind undergo various natural changes and reactions. Almost every girl has some physical problems that bring danger. It is not uncommon for mothers to have abdominal pain or uterine pain during pregnancy, it is quite normal. This is because during this time many parts of the body of women change, the uterus becomes larger in size, the ligament becomes tighter. Besides, there is morning sickness after waking up in the morning. But when this pain increases abnormally, there must be cause for concern and in that case you need to go to the doctor immediately. There are many causes of uterine pain during pregnancy. Many of us do not know these causes, so it is not possible to cure them. Today we will tell you about the causes of pain in the uterus during pregnancy.

Causes of uterine pain during pregnancy

This pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Some factors are not risky and some are extremely risky. Today we will give you an idea about the risk factors for uterine pain during pregnancy.

All that can cause pain

  1.     Enlargement of the uterus
  2.     Round ligament pain
  3.     Constipation and gas

If there is pain in the abdomen due to such reasons, there is nothing to worry about. But now that we're going to talk about some of the factors that are present in you, if you are likely to have children, you must know about the risks.

(1) Urinary tract infection
After 6 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of urinary tract or bladder infection increases. Irritation during urination, pressure in the lower abdomen, frequent urination problems. This risk increases during pregnancy. If the weight of the uterus continues to increase, it will not be able to pass urine properly as a result of pressure on the bladder. This increases the risk of infection. If not careful, it can affect the kidneys. Pregnancy can start prematurely. There is also a risk of having abnormally low birth weight babies.

(2) Miscarriage

Miscarriage is more common in the first trimester of pregnancy. Symptoms of miscarriage within eight weeks may include mild to heavy bleeding, severe abdominal pain, and mild to severe back pain.

(3) Pain from previous cesarean section

If you have had a caesarean section before and are pregnant again, there may be pain in the uterus towards the end of the pregnancy. If the previous stitches are not given properly, there may be pain due to tension in the cut. Many times the uterus can rupture as it gets bigger. So if you have had a caesarean section before, you have to be very careful in the next pregnancy. It is not right to ignore even the slightest pain.

(4) labor pains

In some cases, labor pains may occur before 36 weeks. In addition to lower abdominal and back pain, there may be uterine contractions, bleeding and water rupture. Even pain can occur during periods. If this pain occurs after 36 weeks, it can be considered as labor pain.

(5) Ectopic pregnancy

Outside the uterus, especially in the fallopian tubes, the fetus may grow larger. This can be confirmed by ultrasound. But if you test before the ultrasound you know you are pregnant and have abdominal pain, then there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. In this case, ultrasound should be confirmed.

(6) Braxton Hicks Construction

It is a very normal occurrence during pregnancy. Abdominal pressure is felt due to the contraction of the uterine muscles. This can happen occasionally up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. If there are too many problems, you must tell the doctor. But this pain can be a sign of miscarriage if the delivery time is ahead.

(7) rupture of the placenta or placenta

The placenta is the source of oxygen and nutrients for the fetus. It is usually attached to the upper layer of the uterus and separates after the baby is born. But during the first three months of pregnancy, the placenta may become detached from the uterus, which can lead to catastrophic accidents. The uterus becomes very hard and black red blood can come out through the vagina, which does not clot easily. In this case, the baby may have to be delivered by caesarean section. However, the risk is higher for those who have high blood pressure.

Some general advice

  1.     Take a break
  2.     Lie down slowly
  3.     When sneezing or coughing, lean forward
  4.     Physicians recommend some stretching exercises during this time
  5.     Keep eating little by little throughout the day
  6.     Eat more water and fluids
  7.     Stay active
  8.     Avoid foods that can cause gas
  9.     Carbonated beverage will not work at all
  10.     Include fiber-rich foods in the diet
  11.     Inform the doctor about the problem and take medicine if necessary

The family has a big role to play in keeping the pregnant and unborn baby well. There are various changes in the body of women. Help is needed from the family to take these normally. In the same way, any danger signal must be taken seriously and acted upon accordingly.

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