Worried about bad breath or bad breath? This problem is not yours alone. It can stand as a barrier to our social life. You may be too embarrassed or unprepared for this problem. But just following a few very simple rules can get you a breath of fresh air. Today we will tell you about some effective ways to get rid of bad breath!

Ways to get rid of bad breath or bad breath

(1) Brush your teeth regularly and use dental floss

Plaque is a major cause of bad breath or bad breath. It is a type of coating that sticks to the teeth and accumulates bacteria on it. Food particles stuck in the gaps between the teeth make this problem worse. If you are very worried about bad breath, brush your teeth regularly and use floss. But never overdo it. Tooth enamel erodes when you brush your teeth with too much force. This will increase the chances of tooth decay.

(2) Avoid foods that cause bad breath
Eating onions and garlic causes bad breath or bad breath. According to experts, after eating onion or garlic, just brushing your teeth does not remove the bad smell. This is because some of these elements mix with the blood and reach our lungs, resulting in bad breath. The way to get rid of this problem is not to eat onions and garlic, especially before going to a social event or work.

(3) Keep the tongue clean. Clean the tongue to eliminate bad breath or mouth odor


Naturally a kind of covering is formed on the top of our tongue. This coating produces foul-smelling bacteria. You can clean this coating with your toothbrush. For many, it may be difficult to clean the back of the tongue with a toothbrush because the toothbrushes are larger than the tongue. In that case you can use tang scraper. The need for a tong scraper for proper oral care is immense every day. It is specially formulated to remove bacteria, food particles and dead cells around the tongue and is much more effective than a toothbrush. Use it to get rid of bad breath or bad breath.

 (4) Cleaning the oral cavity
Use anti-bacterial mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. Rinse with clean water after eating anything. Then the food particles stuck to the teeth and mouth will be cleaned.

(5) Avoid harmful habits

Smoking is a significant cause of bad breath. Smoking damages the gum tissue and stains the teeth. This habit greatly increases the risk of getting oral cancer. If you want to keep yourself away from smoking, you can seek the help of a doctor. You can take medicines that reduce the need for nicotine in the body.

(6) Take care of the gums

Bacteria cause various diseases of the gums which are known as periodontal disease. This causes bad breath. So always take care of the gums and keep them clean.

(6) Do not eat sweets after dinner

Candy, chewing gum and any sweet national food helps in the preparation and growth of foul smelling bacteria in the mouth. However, you can eat sugar-free chewing gum.

(6) Physician's advice

If you still have bad breath after following the rules, consult a doctor. Because many times sinus infections, lung infections, liver and kidney problems also cause bad breath in the mouth and breath.

(9) The oral cavity should not be dry

Drink plenty of water if your mouth is dry. Eat sugar-free chewing gum or suck sugar-free candy. This will not dry out the inside of your mouth.

Learn how to get rid of bad breath or bad breath. Take care of yourself regularly. Stay well Stay healthy.

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