One of the most talked about breast cancer cases in the world today is the removal of both breasts of Angelina Jolie. This is because a gene was found in her body that causes breast and ovarian cancer. The gene is called BRCA-1. Her mother and aunt died of breast cancer. So she decided to have breast augmentation in advance to take such measures to prevent breast cancer. By removing this breast, she has reduced her chances of getting breast cancer from 8% to 5%. We only know how difficult it is to make this decision.

Breast cancer and our position

This special organ is a symbol of femininity. An essential element for our beauty and motherhood. Congratulations to Jolie for her courageous step. We need to be aware of this very useful organ. There are many types of breast diseases. The most deadly of these diseases is breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women in the world. According to the WHO, the death rate of women in our country is due to breast cancer after cervical cancer. However, if it is possible to diagnose this cancer at a very early stage, it is possible to cure it completely. Because of our social status or shame, women do not come to the doctor easily even if they have breast problems and therefore are not caught in the initial stage. Comes in absolutely bad condition. Then maybe life is in danger. So let's not know today about this deadly disease.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a type of special cancer that originates from breast cells. Breast cancer can also affect men. However, women are 100 times more likely than men. Girls' breasts are made up of fat, connective tissue and thousands of glands. These cells divide as needed. Which is called mitosis. This uncontrolled division of mitosis causes cancer cells.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer and how to understand yourself?

As mentioned earlier, breast cancer can be completely cured if it is detected at an early stage. Therefore, after the age of 20, every girl should check her breasts every month in the 2nd week of menstruation. Take a good look at your breasts while taking a bath or standing in the mirror at a convenient time. Trying to see if there are any abnormalities. Then touch and see. If any of the following symptoms are seen at this time such as-
1. Feeling one or more lumps, wheels or whole things in one or both breasts that can be of different shapes and sizes. 80% of breast cancers are diagnosed after getting a wheel or a lump.

2. Any one or both breasts change shape. For example, one breast is bigger and sagging down than the other.

3. Nipple or nipple size, shape change. The nipple penetrates the inside of the breast.

4. Different discharge or streaks from the nipple.

  5. Wrinkling of the skin of the breast.

6. Some red spots or sores on the breast.

7. Something of the rash type around the nipple.

8. Wheels or any swelling under the armpits.

9. If there is pain, however, most breast cancers do not have pain. Only 1.6 percent of breast cancers cause pain.

Who is more likely to get breast cancer?

1) Older women are usually more likely to get this cancer. Women over the age of 50 are more likely to get this cancer.

2) Those who start menstruation at a very young age and those whose menstruation ends too late, i.e. menopause is late.

3) Those who have close relatives in the family - such as mother or sister breast, uterine or colon cancer, there is an 8% chance of getting breast cancer.

4) If the first child is too late. For example, those who have their first child after 35.

5) If you already have a benign tumor in the breast.

6) Hormone replacement therapy after menopause.

7) If one breast is likely to be in the other breast.

8) If you are overweight and drink alcohol.

9) If exposed to any radioactive rays. For example - if you have a history of radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

10) Those who do not breastfeed their children are more likely to be.

11) If you live an uncontrolled life, if you do not practice hard work.
When to go to the doctor?

We should see a specialist as soon as any of the symptoms mentioned here appear.

When to go to the doctor?

We should see a specialist as soon as any of the symptoms mentioned here appear.
What kind of tests do doctors do for breast cancer?

1) The doctor examines the history of the patient and the patient sitting and lying down. If you find anything suspicious, send it to the laboratory for testing.

2) Imaging is done in the laboratory. There are different types of imaging. Such as আল ultrasonography, mammography, MRI, MR. Mammography is usually better if you are over 40 years of age. Mammography is a type of X-ray. It gives less radiation than ordinary X-rays. People under the age of 40 have very dense mammary glands, so it is better to have an ultrasonography than a mammography.

3) do biopsy; FNAC is done; Fine needle aspiration cytology - This method involves examining the tumor under a microscope with a small needle. Through these tests, doctors diagnose breast cancer.

What is the treatment for breast cancer?

Physicians offer a variety of treatments depending on the spread, location, nature and stage of the cancer, such as -

1. Surgical treatment

    Mastectomy (complete breast removal)

    Radical mastectomy

    Breast Conservation Surgery (Breast Conservation Surgery)

    At present, it is possible to treat the breast without removal or deformity through oncolastic technique.

2. Chemotherapy
3. Radiotherapy

Then you know about the risk, symptoms and treatment of breast cancer. From now on, breast cancer is not neglected at all. Stay healthy, stay beautiful!

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