Apples, blueberries, watermelons, oranges, grapes, lemons, papayas, malts and tomatoes are some of the fruits that help reduce fat naturally. All of these vitamin C-rich fruits have the ability to reduce fat.


Apples contain a substance called pectin which binds the cells to absorb fats. Like most fruits, apples are also an antioxidant that prevents metabolic syndrome in our body. Metabolic syndrome is usually caused by excess body fat.

Many types of vegetables and spices also have fat reduction properties. Such as- Asparagus, Beetroot, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Bean, Soybean. And the spices include pepper, curry leaves, garlic, cardamom etc.

Foods that contain chili help reduce fat. Chili contains capsaicin which helps in digestion of food. Capsaicin is a thermogenic agent that helps create heat. It helps the body break down excess calories within 20 minutes of eating.

Garlic contains allicin which helps in lowering cholesterol. Cardamom is also a thermogenic agent that breaks down fat.

Among the dairy products, milk and pickles help to break down excess fat. Non-vegetarian and fibrous foods reduce belly fat. Our bodies consume more energy to digest non-vegetarian foods such as pulses, beans, etc. So we can eat as few calorie beans as we like.

Green tea helps in digestion and removes harmful substances from the body. Some studies have shown that green tea has anti-cancer properties. Fish oil and honey help to break down excess body fat.

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