Many of us have sinusitis problems. Many suffer from its pain. However, many people do not understand the pain of sinusitis or migraine. What is sinusitis? The sinuses are the parts of our body that are hollow or perforated. When there is a sore or inflammation in these sinuses for any reason, this sore or inflammation is called sinusitis.


Symptoms of sinusitis

The first and main symptom of this pain is headache. He has a fever and has a stuffy nose. The pain intensity of sinusitis usually increases from morning to noon and may decrease in the afternoon. However, the sinuses are more on the side of the eyes and brain, so along with the headache, there may be pain in the area around the eyes and nose.

Easy Ways to Get Rid of Sinusitis Problems
(1) Raw vegetable juice is very useful to reduce the effects of sinusitis. 300 ml. Carrot juice, 100 ml. Cucumber juice, 100 ml. Beet juice and 200 ml. Mix spinach juice well and drink it every day.

(2) If you suffer from sinusitis, try to eat vitamin-rich foods such as mango, pumpkin, egg yolk, tomato, papaya, carrot, milk and yogurt.

(3) Mix 100 grams cumin seeds with 200 grams ghee and take it daily. This is one of the best ways to prevent sinusitis.

(4) You can take 1 tablespoon of black cumin in a thin cloth and smell it.

(5) Take one tablespoon of fenugreek in a glass of water until it is half full. Drinking 3/4 glass every day will reduce the problem of sinusitis.

(6) There are many benefits of smelling onion and ginger. These two ingredients have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

(67 Drink ginger or cinnamon tea while it is still warm.

(8) Cold and oily foods must be avoided.

(9) You may be surprised to hear that the effects of sinusitis can be reduced through exercise. Exercise increases adrenaline in the body, which reduces the amount of enlarged sinus tissue.

(10) We are all more or less familiar with vinegar. This vinegar reduces the production of mucus and frees us from sinusitis. Take two teaspoons of vinegar in a glass of warm water 3 times a day.
Remedy for sinusitis

Consult a doctor if you think you have a headache for sinusitis. Doctors prescribe medication and nasal drops at an early stage to understand the level of sinusitis. If there is more sinusitis than this, it is necessary to arrange a wash.

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