Motherhood is the most desired feeling in a woman's life. Every girl wants to be a mother. But the unfortunate but true fact is that not all girls can be mothers. Infertility is a very common phenomenon these days. Although girls are often blamed in our society, both men and women can be responsible for it. The topic of our discussion today is the cause of infertility or pregnancy failure. Let's not know anything about it!


As much talk about pregnancy failure

What is infertility?

When a woman fails to conceive after trying for a year or more, the problem is called infertility.

      Primary infertility

If a woman is never able to conceive then that infertility is called primary infertility.

    Secondary infertility

Secondary infertility is when a woman has a previous experience of successfully conceiving at least one child.

What causes pregnancy failure?

Infertility is not just a problem for women. Men can also be infertile. Women and men can be equally responsible for this problem. According to a study on women's health, women's disability is responsible for one-third of infertility. The rest are attributed to male disability, problems in both women and men, and some unknown cause, respectively. Their study further found that about 20 American women are having children over the age of 35; Which strengthens the relationship of infertility with age, even if only a little. However, in this age of continuous improvement in medical science, many people disagree with such statistics.

Causes of male infertility

Male infertility is usually related to some of the following factors:

Sperm -


What are the risk factors?

    Older age
    Excess weight
    Exposure to pesticides or heavy metals

Causes of infertility in women

This can be due to various reasons. E.g.

    When the mature egg (0very) comes out
    When sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tube
    When the fertilized egg grows slowly in the uterine wall.

What are the risk factors?

    Older age
    The habit of drinking
    Being overweight or underweight
    If you have a sexually transmitted infection

Treatment of pregnancy failure problems

There are a number of issues involved in the treatment of childless couples seeking treatment to get rid of the problem of pregnancy failure. E.g.

1) Causes of infertility (if known)

2) How long have you been trying to conceive?

3) Age of husband and wife

4) Overall health condition of husband and wife

5) Own choice of medical procedure

Treatment for men

Medical procedures for men include surgery, treatment with medicine, treatment with assisted re-productive technology.
Treatment for women

Although women have the same treatment methods as men, the rate of solving this problem through surgery has come down a lot with the help of modern medical methods.

I. in treatment through Assisted Reproductive Technology (A.R.T). V. IVF is a very effective procedure today. The drugs that are used in the case of women usually act like hormones in their body and help in ovulation.

There are also some natural remedies that can solve many small problems quickly. It includes-


Some vitamins and minerals help increase potency. It includes-

    Vitamin C
    Vitamin E
    Also omega-3 fatty acids which are found in marine fish are very helpful in fertility

Moreover, a recent study says that the anti-oxidant of green tea plays a helpful role. Although many disagree on its role.
Diet in pregnancy failure awareness

There are some dietary guidelines in fertility diets that play an indirect role in preventing infertility or increasing fertility. Let's not see-

1) Vegetables and fruits - Avoid refined foods and emphasize on fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits.

2) Excess oily foods - Excess oil fried foods should be omitted.

3) Milk- Must make a habit of taking milk or milky food with juice.

4) Excluding extra oil and spicy foods, you should make a habit of taking nutritious food cooked with a little oil and spices.

A healthy controlled lifestyle along with guidelines is an indirect solution to this problem.

That's all I can say today about the causes of infertility. This topic will be discussed again in the future with new information! Stay healthy until then, stay well!

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