Worms are a stomach problem much older. People of different ages can have this problem. However, this problem is most seen in children. Most of the time children have abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, itching in the toilet, etc. As soon as these symptoms appear, it should be understood that the child is infected with worms. Let's find out today what worms are, why they occur and how to prevent them if they are worms in children.


Causes and ways to prevent baby worms

What are worms?

Worms are a kind of parasite. It lives in the human gut. There are different types of worms, such as round worms, thread worms, tape worms, curved worms. These also come in different sizes.

Why are worms usually?

There are worms for various reasons. Unhygienic toilet use, unhygienic homes, not washing hands well after using the toilet, using contaminated water, cooking food without washing well, cooking in an unhealthy environment, keeping fingernails large and eating half-cooked beef can cause worms. Many people think that it is a misconception that worms are caused by eating sweets. Eating sweets has nothing to do with worms.

What happens to baby worms?

Babies are usually more prone to worms. Worms do not spread well in the child's body, the child is malnourished. Worms cause bleeding in the intestines and make the baby anemic. It also causes obstruction in digestion and absorption in the intestines, which leads to diarrhea in the baby. In this way the child becomes weak and the child does not develop properly.

Why are children worms?

  1.   If you keep the baby unclean.
  2.  If you eat anything other than breast milk till the age of 6 months.
  3.  When the baby is barefoot, worm eggs enter the toenails and reach the intestines.
  4.   If you do not clean your hands properly before feeding.
  5.   If you do not take regular bath.
  6. . If the baby's nails are not cut regularly.

What to do to prevent baby worms

(1) Breastfeeding for up to 6 months

From birth to 6 months of age, nothing other than breast milk can be given. After 6 months, besides milk, other foods can also be given. But if you give other food before that, worm eggs can get into the baby's stomach with the food. So the baby should be fed only mother's milk till the age of 6 months.

(2) Use of clean water

Use clean and safe water. From drinking water to washing and wiping, cooking, clean and safe water must be used in all cases.

(3) Elimination of the habit of walking barefoot

The habit of walking barefoot should be eliminated. When walking barefoot, worm eggs reach the baby's intestines through the toenails. So the child should be prevented from walking barefoot.

(4) Regular bathing

The baby should be bathed regularly. If the baby is not kept clean, worm eggs reach the baby's intestines along with the baby's body waste, causing the baby to become infected with worms.

(5) Eating worm medicine every 4 months

Every 4 months, everyone in the family has to take worm medicine, because if one member of the family has worms, the rest also become worms. Therefore, with the advice of a doctor, worm medicine should be taken every 4 months.

A doctor's advice must be taken before taking worm medicine. Even if the medicine is safe if the body is good, it can be dangerous in case of illness. So it is not right to take worm medicine without doctor's advice.

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