We do a lot of things to lose weight. Walking or physical exercise is a must. However, besides this, the issue of controlling food and drink should also be kept in mind. When it comes to controlling eating and drinking, many people understand the crash diet or stop eating at all. In fact, stopping the crash diet does more harm than good. Because if you stop eating and drinking, just as you will get sick, your health will also break down. There can also be more complex problems like ulcers. That's why if you can build healthy eating habits instead of stopping eating, you can lose weight easily. In this article, I am giving you 10 tips to lose weight, which will basically build healthy eating habits.

9 tips to lose weight

1. Avoid rice or sugary foods

Avoid rice, bread, sugar and other sugary foods. It is better not to take more than 2 tablespoons of rice for lunch if you are overweight. Even if you eat less rice, you can eat plenty of vegetables so that you do not get hungry easily. You can eat hand bread instead of rice at night. Dinner should be eaten at least 2 hours before bedtime because if you go to bed with food, the fat in your food will be directly absorbed by you. If you are not in the habit of eating hand-made bread, you can eat bread bought from the market. However, it must be eaten hard-toasted. Because eggs and milk are used to make bread and therefore it contains more fat than bread. Hard toast will cut this extra fat.

2. Salad

You can easily lose a lot of fat by eating salad. In this case, you must use cucumber, sour yogurt, lemon juice and vinegar while making salad. These ingredients help to cut fat. You can make salad with different types of vegetables like cucumber, carrot, baby corn. However, cucumber helps to cut a lot of fat. So in addition to making salads you can eat lots of cucumbers to shed excess fat.

3. Lemon

Lemon is one of the most important nutrients for weight loss. Usually, wake up on an empty stomach with a glass of hot water mixed with lemon juice and honey regularly. It cuts a lot of fat. In addition to sugar, lemon juice also cuts fat.

Occasionally you may want to drink soft drinks like Coke, Seven Up. But all these soft drinks have a lot of fat. A 250 ml coke bottle contains approximately 16-18 tablespoons of sugar. However, if you want to drink Coke or any other soft drink, you can mix a small amount of lemon juice in the soft drink before eating it. This will greatly reduce the fat of the soft drink.

4. Yogurt

Sour yogurt cuts a lot of fat. However, sour yogurt should be eaten lightly or with a salad. It is better not to eat sour yogurt on an empty stomach.

5. Green tea

Green tea can cut a lot of fat. By drinking green tea twice a day, you can easily lose 200 grams of calories.

6. Black coffee
Like green tea, black coffee also cuts fat. You can make black coffee by mixing half a teaspoon of coffee in 1 cup of hot water. Do not use sugar.

7. Aloe vera

Aloe vera extract can be mixed with water to cut fat. It is very effective in burning calories. Since aloe vera juice is very bitter, a little bit of aloe vera juice should be mixed with plenty of water. If it is difficult to eat, you can mix honey to taste; However, do not use sugar.

8. Water and fluids

One of the most effective ways to lose weight is to drink plenty of water. In addition, you can eat other liquids such as green tea, corn soup, tomato soup. It will give you energy to work and will not add extra calories to your body. However, do not eat Thai soup because Thai soup has a lot of fat.

9. Fruits and vegetables
Eat plenty of any fruit except mango and banana. Because fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients for our body. Fruits and vegetables are very low in calories and eating more of them will not make you hungry. However, those who have problems with excess weight, they should avoid mangoes and bananas. Because banana and mango have high fruit fiber.

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