May 16, World Hypertension Day. This time the theme of this day is, Know Your Blood Pressure. ”Many people around the world are currently suffering from this disease. High blood pressure is largely responsible for heart disease and bleeding in the brain; Which can lead to death.

High blood pressure is one in three in a country like America, but not less in our country. There are no accurate statistics, but it is difficult to quantify the number of patients with high blood pressure. Hypertension increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Exercise and a healthy diet are important ways to prevent high blood pressure. Even if you have high blood pressure, exercising increases the effectiveness of high blood pressure medication.

How do I exercise?

Exercises that are fun are best done 30 minutes a day, almost every day of the week. Daily housework, gardening, window washing, climbing stairs, carrying things from the grocery store, walking, cycling are all fun exercises, but also beneficial. Walking to the office after parking the car some distance away, going to the office after getting off one spot before going by bus can be quite a good exercise. Regular exercise strengthens the heart and increases its pumping capacity. It reduces high blood pressure. . However, if you can't stand the heat, swim for 30 minutes. The hormone adrenaline running in the body will decrease and the blood vessels will relax. If the hypertension is not too much, it is possible to control blood pressure by doing light exercise such as 30 minutes of brisk walking every day. In this case, medicine may not be needed. . If you have already taken medication for high blood pressure, then by doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise, that is, by increasing your heart rate and sweating, the effectiveness of the medication increases considerably. And even if you have to take medicine, in addition to 30 minutes of moderate exercise, that is, to increase the heart rate and sweating regularly, the effectiveness of the medicine is greatly increased. Even if you don't have high blood pressure, if you exercise, your blood pressure is normal.

No matter what exercise you do, it is good to know your limitations. If you are injured during exercise or physical exercise, then it is better to stop. It is best to stop if you feel dizzy, or if you feel discomfort in the chest, arms, or throat. It is better to exercise slowly in the scorching heat. Then start exercising today without delay and gradually develop the habit of these. However, if you are completely unaccustomed to exercise, you should consult a doctor before starting exercise in case of a person who is at risk of obesity, heart disease or chronic disease.

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