Studies have shown that at least ten percent of women are at risk for gestational diabetes. During fetal development, the placenta produces a variety of hormones that cause the mother's body to produce high levels of glucose. And to use this glucose properly, more insulin is made in the mother's body. The mother's body is suddenly unprepared for this change and cannot release enough insulin, resulting in elevated blood glucose levels, resulting in gestational diabetes.


Harmful aspects of gestational diabetes

  1. Gestational diabetes can cause a number of problems.
  2. The baby becomes larger in size which creates problems during delivery.
  3. · The mother's blood pressure rises and the mother's risk of pre-eclampsia increases a lot.
  4. . Premature birth can also start.

The risk of stillbirth is much higher.

After birth, the baby can have various problems. For example, low blood glucose, jaundice. Moreover, these children are more likely to be obese or diabetic in the future.

How to avoid gestational diabetes

The best way to avoid gestational diabetes is to control your weight and stay fit before pregnancy. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use. Being overweight and having children after the age of thirty increases the risk of diabetes. And if someone in your family has type 2 diabetes, you have a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes, and if you have diabetes during your first pregnancy, then you are at risk for a second time.

Symptoms of gestational diabetes

There are no specific symptoms that you can be sure of, but in many cases the following symptoms occur -

  1.  Excessive thirst
  2. Frequent urination
  3. Unusual fatigue
  4. · Recurrent vaginal yeast infection or thrush

However, most of these symptoms are seen in many pregnant women. So the only way to be sure if you have gestational diabetes is to have a routine blood glucose test. This test should be done at the first checkup after pregnancy and should be repeated at 24 to 26 weeks of gestation.

Ways to control gestational diabetes

In most cases, gestational diabetes can be controlled through a healthy diet and exercise.

As a result -

  1. Blood glucose levels can be controlled as advised by a doctor.
  2. Adequate nutrition can be ensured for both the fetus and the mother.
  3. It is easy to maintain proper weight during pregnancy.

However, many mothers may need insulin injections, so they need to consult a doctor regularly. The most important thing is to control the mother's blood glucose level through regular check-ups. With proper control of blood glucose, complications of gestational diabetes can be easily avoided.

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