Cough is a common problem in children and it is very annoying when it disturbs the baby's sleep. Coughing is actually the result of low immunity in children and children who have just learned to walk. Therefore, mothers are always looking for a cure for cough without rushing to the doctor. So here is a list of some used and tested effective home remedies for children's cough.

  Remedy for night cough in children


Remedy for night cough in children

Cold weather can be a major cause of coughs and colds in children. It can be caused by some underlying health condition, such as food allergies, dust allergies, or bronchitis, throat or lung infections. If children cough overnight, it can disrupt their sleep. As a result, they may lose energy and feel tired during the day. If your child coughs at night, the following remedies will be of great help.

1. Eucalyptus oil

If your child is less than 2 years old, pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil on your child's pillows and bedrolls. This will open her nostrils and give instant relief. You can also pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil on your child's clothes. Always remember not to oil your baby's neck when he is very young.

2. Warm soup

Give your child a warm vegetable soup or chicken soup and it will provide relief from cough or sore throat.

3. Throat lozenge

It has been found that taking zinc lozenge once every 2-3 hours can cure cough and cold. Lozenges provide relief from inflammation caused by inflammation in the throat, which cures the cough caused by the infection.

In India, a child is allowed to suck rock candy to cure a sore throat - which causes a cough. It is said that anything like lozenge or rock candy that stimulates saliva and keeps the throat moist, relieves sore throat or sore throat.

4. Yellow milk

Turmeric has anti-bacterial properties. In a glass of warm milk, mix 8 teaspoons of turmeric and ask your child to drink it. Young children may not be able to drink a full glass of turmeric milk, so start with just a few tablespoons of the mixture first.

5. A mixture of turmeric and honey

Turmeric has anti-bacterial properties and honey relieves sore throat which helps to get rid of cough, especially in case of dry cough in children at night. Home remedies like these can be easily done by everyone, as they are made with the essentials of the kitchen.

6. Breathing in the smoke of burnt turmeric roots

Burning the roots of turmeric and inhaling its smoke (known as smoke in Ayurveda) is a good and effective remedy for cough. You can do this with a few yellow leaves in burning charcoal. Then put some turmeric on top of the leaves and burn. Let the smoke from it be inhaled.

7. Ginger and honey

Ginger has antihistamine properties that help treat allergies which is the most common cause of cough. It also helps to cure very persistent cough. Crushed ginger juice, when mixed with honey, soothes sore throats and cures coughs.

8. Keep your head up

In some cases, the baby's cough at night is caused by mucus falling from the back of the nose into the throat, causing a continuous cough throughout the night. Therefore, holding his head high with the help of a few pillows will reduce the discharge of mucus, resulting in less coughing at night.

9. Massage

Heat the mustard oil and add a little crushed garlic in it. Let it cool. Massage it all over your child's body, especially the neck, chest, back, palms and soles of the feet. Mustard oil keeps the body warm and the anti-bacterial properties of garlic can stop the infection. However, do not put too much pressure when massaging your baby's chest and back. It should be done gently.

10. Basil and honey

Basil enhances immunity and prevents all kinds of infections. Basil leaves have expectorant properties that thin the mucus and cure colds in the chest. It also works on the nerves that cause coughing. On the other hand, honey has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that prevent infections and relax the throat. Thus, when the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey is given to the child, it relieves the child from coughing.

In addition, you can try many other options like Gargle to relieve your child's cough. Dissolve some salt in a glass of warm water. Let your child gargle with it. Gargling with warm salt water three times a day can reduce sore throat, which relieves sore throat. Gargling with warm water mixed with salt and turmeric can also cure throat infections, as turmeric and salt are thought to have anti-bacterial properties.

Another great way to prevent coughing during the winter is to keep a humidifier in your child's room. This will add moisture to the dry winter air inside the house and prevent cough. Be sure to clean the humidifier frequently to keep the inside clean.

Cough is not a serious problem. However, it should never be left untreated. In every Indian family, it is very common to try home remedies to cure cough. However, if the cough persists even after using all the home remedies, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

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