Yoga to increase digestive energy and constipation

What is Bhujungasana?


Bhujungasana is another yoga posture that helps significantly reduce digestive problems and constipation, among many other benefits. The rules of Bhujungasana are explained step by step-

1) First you have to lie down on a flat place. The abdomen and forehead will be mixed with the soil.

2) Then with the weight on the palms of both hands, the body should be slowly lifted upwards and bent backwards as shown below-

3) Wait 10-15 seconds in this way and go straight to bed again.

4) This rule should be done 15-20 times a day or according to the capacity of your body.

  1. The thing to keep in mind is-When doing this exercise, make sure that both hands are straight.
  2. Need to stretch the back with the neck.
  3. The waist should also be raised a little above the ground.
  4. Make sure breathing is normal.

Benefits of Bhujungasana

Some of the important and significant benefits of Bhujungasana are-

  • 1) Food digestion problems are eliminated
  • 2) Arthritis of the waist and back is cured
  • 3) Helps to reduce abdominal fat and eliminates digestive problems
  • 4) Respiratory problems are eliminated
  • 5) Helps reduce shoulder pain
  • 7) Strengthens the bones of the spine
  • 6) Increases the supply of oxygen to the body

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