Vitamin B12 is also called cobalamin which is one of the 6 B vitamins. This vitamin converts food (sugar) into fuel (glucose) for energy. It also helps the body use fats and meats. This vitamin is essential for keeping skin, hair, eyes and liver healthy. These vitamins are needed for the metabolic function of every cell, as they play a major role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Millions of red blood cells are being made in our body every minute. But without vitamin B12, these cells cannot grow properly. When the level of vitamin B12 decreases, the production of red blood cells also decreases. How do you know if you have a vitamin B12 deficiency?


Its deficiency has not been known for a long time as no specific symptoms are understood. It can be diagnosed through blood tests. The symptoms that indicate that you are suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency are:

1. Dizziness

Frequent dizziness indicates a deficiency of vitamin B12. If you feel dizzy regularly when you get up from sitting, when you go up or down stairs, it is important to go to the doctor to diagnose the disease or vitamin deficiency.

2. Forgetting

Long-term and unconscious forgetfulness problems are caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Many people may think it is dementia or Alzheimer's. It can be diagnosed through simple blood tests and memory can be improved by taking supplements.

3. Muscle weakness

Vitamin B12 deficiency and low oxygen delivery to the muscles can lead to muscle weakness.

4. Fade

People who suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency may have pale skin due to lack of red blood cells.

5. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally

If you feel like a needle is piercing your whole body, then you must understand that you are suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms of nerve damage, such as numbness or electric shock, can be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency.

6. Fatigue

After a good night's sleep and if you feel tired, it may be due to the occurrence of vitamin B12.

7. Sight problems

If you suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency for a long time, your eyesight may be damaged. Retinal damage can occur if the blood vessels in the eye become blocked. This can lead to problems with your sensitivity to light, blurred vision or double vision. However, when you take a supplement, your eyesight returns.

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